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Sunday, October 7, 2012
You are here: Section 508 Universe Training
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Section 508 Universe Training

The 508 Universe serves as a central hub for GSA's section 508 training and information resources. In it you can access each of the topic- specific courses that address 508 implementation as well as explore Web links and a glossary of 508-related terms. When you first visit the site, you will be asked to set up a username and password. No additional information is required in the registration process; you are not asked for any identifying or personal data. The username is used to track where you are in the courses so that should you choose to leave a course before finishing it, you can choose to "resume" when you next enter the Universe. This eliminates any possible security risk of using cookies, and no files are written to your computer.

If this is your first time visiting our training area, you will need to REGISTER to enter the 508 Universe and access the available courses listed below.

If you have previously registered for the 508 Universe training, you will not need to do so again. Simply enter your assigned username and password in the "User Login" area on the right, and select 508 Universe to enter the Section 508 Universe. Please review the 508 User Help Guidance for additional information regarding the Universe.