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OMB Memos

OMB issued memoranda to Chief Acquisition Officers and Chief Information Officers in 2005 and again in 2007 reiterating the importance of buying accessible information technology, in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and identifying resources available to agencies as they continue to implement Section 508.

In particular, the 2007 memorandum announces the availability of the BuyAccessible Wizard. The BuyAccessible Wizard is a web-based tool designed to ensure 508 compliance as it guides agencies through the process of buying accessible information technology. Each memorandum can be accessed in its entirety from the links below.

For more information regarding the BuyAccessible Wizard and/or other accessibility resources available to your agency, contact Terry Weaver, Director, Information Technology Accessibility and Workforce Division at GSA on (202) 501- 4906. Karen Pica, in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) can be contacted on (202) 395-3302 for OMB related guidance.