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Section 508 Roles - Academic Community Member

Many academic entities offer a wide array of expertise and opportunity for enhancing the implementation of Section 508.
  • Learn about the web accessibility initiatives of other institutions
  • Join in collaboration and knowledge transfer amongst your peers
  • See different ways to provide tools and training for students and staff
  • Add your institution's 508-related program for inclusion on this site.
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This evaluation and repair tool is a research project at the University of Toronto in cooperation with the Trace Center and CAST. A demonstration version is available for download. On a single page, you must first identify data tables evaluating each table on the page. A-Prompt lists what it considers to be errors and offers a chance to correct each one.

State University Accessible Technology Initiative
Automated evaluation tools only check things that can be evaluated by a computer. These definitely do not include the human factors that are contained here. Even looking at human factors cannot guarantee accessibility for every possible user, but following this procedure will certainly represent a good-faith effort to make a page or site as accessibile as possible today.

California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development OSHPD Accessibility Policy

California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Center on Disabilities
CSUN is committed to providing outstanding student services. CSUN disseminates information to students with disabilities and to those who provide services to people with disabilities through training programs, conferences, workshops, seminars, and electronic media. The Center also conducts applications-oriented research as a means of improving the lives of persons with disabilities and the professional skills of those who work with them.

Gallaudet University's Technology Access Project
The Technology Access Project features research, services, and technology involving communications, telecommunications, and the deaf. The Gallaudet Research Institute conducts research projects in many areas involving deafness and deaf people.

Georgia Tech Center for Rehabilitation Technology
The primary mission of is to provide increased access to information on assistive technology devices, services, and other disability-related resources for people with disabilities and the general public. The is also provides online information on adaptive environments and community resources.

Illinois Center for Information Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
The Illinois Center for IT Accessibility supports the development of best practices to improve the accessibility of web based resources based on Section 508, W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act. iCITA also develops tools to support the evaluation of web resources for accessibility features and accessible authoring tools to make it easier for people to create accessible web resources.

Johns Hopkins University
This page lists the information the Johns Hopkins Web Accessibility Committee has collected about the web accessibility initiatives of other institutions.

Michigan State University, Usability and Accessibility Center (UAC)
The Center's primary goal is to provide leadership in evaluating and understanding the usability and accessibility of new interface technology, especially for persons with disabilities. The UAC provides heuristic reviews, accessibility evaluations, user testing, focus group facilitation, user centered design (UCD) consulting, training, and educational outreach. UAC clients include higher education, state and Federal Government, and private and public corporations. The Center's state-of-the-art facilities (training, focus group and usability lab) are also available for rental.

Pennsylvania State University, Center for Academic Computing
The PSU Center for Academic Computing has created a Web Accessibility Checklist that web authors can use to design or modify accessible web pages. This checklist is based on the World Wide Web Consortium on Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines.

Project Able, WV Rehabilitation Research Training Center
The Project Enable/Dial-JAN bulletin board system provides information on disability, rehabilitation, employment and education. Project Enable houses over 150 special interest discussion groups over 5,000 files, and a number of searchable information bases.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI)
EASI's mission is to serve as a resource to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area of access to information technologies by individuals with disabilities. EASI is the recipient of two National Science Foundation grants to disseminate information on science, engineering, and math to people with disabilities. EASI presents effective online workshops and hosts frequent live presentations by accessibility experts.

Stanford University, The Archimedes Project
The Archimedes Project Total Access System seeks to promote equal access to information for individuals with disabilities by influencing the early design stages of tomorrow's computer-based technologies.

The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
CAST is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to expand opportunities for people with disabilities through innovative uses of computer technology. CAST pursues this mission through research, product development, and model educational programs that further universal design for learning. An important element of the Web site is the Bobby home page at ( Bobby is a free web-based program that not only checks web sites for conformity to international accessibility guidelines for individuals with disabilities, but also provides specific recommendations to correct access problems.

The Ohio State University Web Accessibility Center
Some people with disabilities cannot access much of the World Wide Web. For example, without modification users who are blind often cannot access, navigate, and interpret pages that use a graphical interface; people who are deaf or hard of hearing cannot understand video or auditory material; and computer interfaces, like the mouse, can make maneuvering web pages difficult for people with physical disabilities or repetitive stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Fortunately, many of these problems can be overcome when web media is created with accessibility in mind. To help its web authors create such accessible media, The Ohio State University created the Web Accessibility Center, the WAC. The goal of the WAC is to make the Web useable worldwide.

University of Toronto, The Adaptive Technology Resources Centre (ATRC)
The ATRC works directly with information technology manufacturers and developers to influence the early design stages of tomorrow's computer-based technology. The ATRC applies a user-centered design approach to model and create solutions that are commercially feasible, operationally effective, and universally accessible. Areas of research include: Access to the Internet and the WWW (Browsers, authoring tools, content), Alternative computer display systems, Alternative computer control methods, Accessible distance education and videoconferencing, Gesture recognition for access to communication.

University of Washington, DO- IT
Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT) and The Center for Universal Design at the University of Washington provide programs, resources and information on the areas of accessible web design, adaptive technology and universal design in order to maximize the independence, productivity and participation of people with disabilities.

University of Wisconsin, Trace Research and Development Center
The Trace Center is a nonprofit research center that focuses on making off-the- shelf technologies and systems such as computers, the Internet, and information kiosks more accessible for everyone through the process known as universal, or accessible, design. Trace's mission is in great part funded through the NIDRR, Department of Education. Trace is designated as the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Information Technology Access. Trace has been widely regarded for many years as the leading research, development, and resource center in the area of access to computers by people with disabilities.

Utah State University, Web Accessibility in Mind (Webaim)
Webaim's goals is to improve accessibility to online learning opportunities for all people, in particular to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities who currently may have difficulty accessing postsecondary online learning opportunities. Webaim offers various "How To" information and support on creating accessible web sites. Web authors can find a Section checklist, sample HTML markup and various articles and courses on accessible web design.

Web Accessibility Initiative
Working for accessibility in technology, guidelines to make websites accessible, tools, education and outreach, and research and development for Internet accessibility.

West Virginia University, Job Accommodations Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a service of the Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy. JAN is an international, toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities. JAN also provides information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). JAN operates a Searchable Online Accommodations Resource (SOAR) to let user explore various accommodation options for persons with disabilities in the work setting.

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