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Discuss: Mobile Technical Expertise

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From optimizing data to mobile design, new technical expertise is needed for mobile development, whether it comes in-house or from industry. The agencies we spoke to encountered a number of scenarios and concerns regarding mobile technical expertise.

  1. Many agencies rely on private developers for technical expertise because they do not have the level of experience necessary to build mobile products.
  2. Agencies are challenged to find contractors with specific expertise in mobile, especially using current IT contract vehicles, and even more so across devices and platforms.
  3. Cross-development tools are not always the answer for developing on a number of mobile platforms. One agency found that these tools do not always accelerate development for all platforms, that one platform saved about 20% of the effort for the next one.
  4. While expanding current projects to mobile is popular, using existing technology and systems to adapt to mobile is not always the easiest and quickest fix. Mobile is not just a little website. Content and service delivery can be significantly different from web technology.

Your Turn

Have you experienced any of these or other scenarios with technical expertise in your agency? How are technical expertise challenges affecting your agency’s mobile efforts?

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