
More than Band-Aids

When packing for summer vacation, you probably squeeze in a first aid kit. Along with that roll of adhesive tape you've never used, be sure to include a phone number in case of a medical emergency your first aid kit can't cover. The International SOS Call Center at 44-20-8762-8133 is available 24 hours 365 days a year for military families traveling anywhere in the world.

Read more inthis week's Spouse Calls.

Post-Traumatic Stressed Spouses?

A reader, Shannon, posted a heartfelt comment about her struggle with her husband's PTSD and its effects on her life and marriage. Many spouses experience this to some degree after a deployment. If anyone has constructive comments, suggestions or encouragement please share!

The Veteran's Administration sponsors The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for those who experience it and those who treat it.

Military kids know their world

As a grown up Air Force brat and the mother of three of them, Ican't help but think military kids are pretty special. At the same time, like most military parents, I wonder about the effects of our mobilelifestyle on my children.I am always happy to see stories about military kids who are reaping the rewards of moving around their world. This week, four students from military families made us all proud at theNational Geography Bee in Virginia, and one was a top finisher.

Click on the blue linksto read the stories in Stars & Stripes.

Careers: Thinking outside the box

What does it take to move your prized possessions? An extra large box? Yards of bubble wrap? Twenty-gallon plastic totes? How about your career? Making frequent moves does not keep military spouses from meaningful careers, but it certainly presents challenges.

I know spouses who are attorneys, physicians, teachers, professional photographers, crime scene investigators, realtors, just to name a few career choices.

Commissary Tippers Tell All

How do you balance the family budget with the knowledge that “Baggers work for tips only,” as the sign at the commissary reminds us?

Thanks to all of you who gave your two cents worth in the blog poll about tipping the baggers. A reader with bagging experience wrote to give her side of the story (See June 10 Spouse Calls.) It's good to see both sides of the story.

About the Author

Terri Barnes is a military wife and mother of three living in Virginia. Her column for military spouses, "Spouse Calls," appears here and in Stars and Stripes print editions each week. Leave comments on the blog or write to her at

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