Wyden Gets NSA's Top Lawyer to Confirm Secret Interpretations of Surveillance Laws

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Uploaded by on Jul 26, 2011

On Tuesday, July 26, 2011, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) pressed for answers regarding secret interpretations of surveillance law during an open Senate Intelligence Committee nomination hearing with Matthew Olsen, the National Security Administration's top lawyer.


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  • needs to be Americas vice president next to Ron Paul they couldnt loose.

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  • how many times is you tube gonna pull this video its old an had alot more views an likes then this thats corrupt

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  • Is this a f*cking green screen? Am I seeing shit? Someone run a test on this vid.

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  • How are the American people supposed to evaluate whether this law is appropriate or not when they cannot, by law and by design, know its implications?

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  • Theoretical problems with this content, and that assumes what they are implying is true.

    1. if the tracking system is opened to the public, corporations could blanket text people using proximity trig, 'hey, you are only 1/4 mile from burgershack#3, hungry?'

    2. not everyone has a cellphone, yes a lot do, but it isn't every american, and a 1/3rd don't have broadband at home, so as tracking goes, that's a pretty big hole...probably the reason for the cameras on every corner though...

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  • NSA is breaking laws left and right and knows it. They have a Security goon squad far vaster in number than is needed to protect their sites - they have grown into a "Brown Shirt" force to illegally harass, stalk and sometimes physically harm critics, dissidents, and NSA employees who naiively report wrong doing to their own NSA EEO or NSA IG office, both of which are thoroughly corrupted. NSA top managers are increasingly more loyal to NSA interests than to USA interests. American Gestapo.

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  • gotta love when he gets him to admit the patriot act has secret legal interpretations.its nuts how can we understand the law when its a riddle.

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  • It is never very long before the laws enacted to protect us from outside threats are turned inside, and all is hidden to the public under the claim of 'safety and security.' Keep fighting to rein it in, Ron!

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