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Request a CS2-SB Delegation of Procurement Authority

Warranted contracting officers must fill out this form to request a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) for Custom SATCOM Solutions - Small Business (CS2-SB). It will take approximately five minutes to fill out.

Before requesting a DPA

Before you can request a DPA, you must review these documents:

  1. Custom SATCOM Solutions - Small Business Ordering Guide (Word, 903k, 03/19/2012)
  2. Delegation of Procurement Authority Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (Word, 53k, 03/20/2012)

After requesting a DPA

  1. GSA will review the form and initiate the Delegation of Procurement Authority
  2. You should receive delegation confirmation within two business days
  3. After receiving the confirmation, you will be able to issue task orders on Custom SATCOM Solutions - Small Business (CS2-SB)

Fields with an asterisk are required.

Information Form field
First name*
Middle initial
Last name*
Address* (no P.O. boxes)
Zip code*
Phone number* (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Fax number* (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Have you reviewed these documents?* Custom SATCOM Solutions - Small Business Ordering Guide (Word, 903k, 03/19/2012)
Yes No

Delegation of Procurement Authority Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (Word, 53k, 03/20/2012)
Yes No
Do you need assistance with a current or future requirement?* Yes No
If yes, please specify:
Representations:* I represent that I am the individual whose information appears above.
Yes No

By completing and submitting this request, I accept and agree to the terms of the delegation of procurement authority identified in the Delegation of Procurement Authority Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and will fulfill the roles and responsibilities identified therein.
Yes No

I represent that I am a warranted contracting officer in accordance with FAR Part 1.6.
Yes No


GSA Technology Solutions
24 hours a day, Mon - Sat

(888) 377-0070

connections, conections, two, ii, too, Delegation of Procurement Authority, dpa