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Electric Power Markets: Northwest

Northwest Electric Regions  
Northwest Electric Regions  

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    States covered: All or most of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming and part of California.

    Reliability region: Northwest Power Pool Area (NWPP) sub-region [WECC subregions map PDF] of the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) [NERC regions map External Link]

    Balancing authorities: See page 5.

    Hubs: California-Oregon Border (COB), Mid-Columbia (Mid-C)

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    Marginal fuel type: Hydro and natural gas

    Generating capacity (winter 2005): 57,120 MW

    Capacity reserve (winter 2005): 16,822 MW

    Reserve margin (winter 2005): 42%

    When taken together, hydro, fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable resources, were adequate to provide electricity in excess of in-region needs.

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    All time peak demand (2009): 43,513 MW

    Peak demand growth: 3.1% (2008–2009)

      2006 2007 2008 2009
    Winter Peak Demand (MW) 27,273 36,326 42,214 43,513
    Source: Derived from FERC FORM 714

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    Index Annual Average of Daily Bilateral Day Ahead On-Peak Prices

    ICE “California-Oregon Border (COB) Hub”
    2006: $51.68/MWh
    2007: $59.86/MWh
    2008: $73.42/MWh
    2009: $35.40/MWh

    ICE “Mid-Columbia (Mid-C) Hub”:
    2006: $47.98/MWh
    2007: $53.59/MWh
    2008: $64.48/MWh
    2009: $35.25/MWh

    Physical and financial electricity products are traded through brokers using the Mid-Columbia (Mid-C) and California-Oregon Border (COB) hubs as pricing points.

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    The region relies on hydroelectric production for approximately two thirds of its electricity needs. In most years, Northwest sells surplus power into California and the Southwest.

Contact Information:
For questions regarding the material in the Northwest section please contact our staff at: oversight@ferc.gov

Updated: September 7, 2012