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Buy from IT Schedule 70

Federal, state, and local governments can count on the industry partners on IT Schedule 70 to offer innovative IT products, services, and solutions at the best prices. 

Learn more about the features and benefits of IT Schedule 70:

Wide variety of products and services

With millions of IT products, services, and solutions offered by over 5,000 industry partners, IT Schedule 70 is able to meet most customers' simple or complex needs. Industry partners can modify their contracts at any time, allowing them to constantly offer the latest technology.

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Competitive prices and discounts

GSA negotiates its fair and reasonable prices based on the aggregated buying power of the federal government. We encourage you to negotiate price reductions, discounts, and concessions, not only for orders over the maximum order threshold, but also when circumstances warrant (see FAR 8.405-4). 

Special Item Number (SIN) 132-51, Information Technology Professional Services, includes maximum hourly rates.

GSA Schedules also permit incremental funding if your agency's rules allow it.

Maximum order threshold

Each Schedule has a maximum order threshold, which varies by Special Item Number (SIN). The maximum order threshold is not a limit on spending — industry partners can accept any size order. Rather, it is the dollar amount above which:

  • The industry partner can choose not to accept the order
  • You must seek a price reduction

For IT Schedule 70's SINs, the maximum order threshold is $500,000, except for Training Courses, which is $25,000.

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Flexible contracting and streamlined ordering

GSA Schedules feature combined synopsis and solicitation, saving you time. Schedules also make it easier for you to meet competition in contracting act requirements (see FAR 6.102(d) (3)).

Schedules accept purchase cards, and allow task orders and blanket purchase agreements (BPAs). Industry partners can enhance their offerings and create a total solution through contractor team arrangements. You can also add incidental items (see FAR 8.402 (f)).

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Note: FAR 8.4 is optional for state, local, and tribal customers. Learn more about Cooperative Purchasing.

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Security solutions

IT Schedule 70 helps federal, state, and local government organizations meet their security mandates and guidelines.

The offerings under IT Schedule 70 related to identity and access management (SINs 132-60 A-E) must meet FISMA standards for identity and access management:

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Access to small business credit

After a recent interim rule to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), customers can now use small business set-asides on Schedules, along with using small business preference.

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IT Schedule 70 Helpline
(877) 446-IT70 (4870)
