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Crop Progress and Condition
  Crop Progress and Condition graphical products are available for the following years:

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About Crop Progress and Condition

Crop Progress and Condition graphical products are shown in the following example for the 2008 US corn crop throughout the key stages of its phenological cycle. The progress of the crop through each stage is shown as a percentage in the lower third of the graphic. Condition Ratings are shown in the middle part of the graphic and the sum of good plus excellent condition for the current year and the previous four years are shown in the top third. This product is generated in most states and will include the major commodities reported in each state. Separate pages are embedded in the .PDF file, in alphabetical order, for each commodity.

Image map showing the entire United States.  Each state links to its specific state landing page.

The Crop Progress percent values show the cumulative progress for each crop at key stages and are identical to the published values. The Crop Condition are stacked and always sum to 100. Current year progress lines are identified by the bold lines, the previous year progress lines are dashed, and the previous 5-year averages are identified by the dotted lines. All charts for a particular growing season are standardized using the same range of dates to facilitate the comparison of progress and condition for different crops grown during the same season. A vertical dashed reference line through all three charts identifies the most recent week ending crop progress reference date.

Please click here for information on the metadata associated with our Crop Progress and
Condition charts.

Please click here for the definitions of the phenological stages and condition categories. | | Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS) | Site Map | Translate | | White House
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