Work and Eldercare

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Juggling the demands of a job and care for a loved one puts extra stress on caregiving families. Click on links below for information on practical care strategies, legal and financial issues, sibling issues, hiring in-home help, locating resources, and more.

Tip Sheets

Where to Find My Important Papers


Related Fact Sheets & Publications

Work and Eldercare

Hiring In-Home Help

Holding a Family Meeting

Home Away from Home: Relocating Your Parents

Women and Caregiving: Facts and Figues

Workplace Programs for Family Caregivers: Good Business and Good Practice


Related Articles

Legal/Financial Issues

A Couple Copes with Early-Stage Dementia

Long-Distance Caregiving

Sandwiched In

The Benefits of Day Care

When You're Caring for Both Parents

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Caregiving Fact: If your loved one has dementia and suffers sleep disturbances or night-time agitation, try soothing music or a massage to induce relaxation. If agitation increases after nightfall, keep the house well lighted and close curtains to shut out darkness. See FCA's Fact Sheet, Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Dementia Behavior, for more tips on caring for a loved one with dementia.
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Work and Eldercare
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FCA Webinars
  Focus on Texas: Caregiver Assessments
  Webinar | The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Family Caregivers
  Seasons of Care: Wellness and Self-Care for the Family Caregiver
  Webinar | Caregiving 101: Exploring the Complexities of Family Caregiving
  Family Caregiving: Work With Your Siblings To Keep Your Life, Family, and Sanity Intact!
  Webinar | NASW Standards for Social Work Practice with Family Caregivers of Older Adults
  Webinar | Creativity & Aging
  Caregiver Assessment Parts I & II - Summer 2012
  How to Pay for the High Cost of Long-Term Care Without Going Broke
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