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The Fermilab Bird List

Data compilation by Peter Kasper.

See the following link information concerning the Current Status of Access to Fermilab

The following pages contain lists, of nearly all the bird species recorded within the Fermilab site boundaries. The names and ordering follow that of the American Ornithologists Union's check-list of North American birds. The lists also indicate at what time of year each species was found. To do this we have divided each year into 48 quarter-months and split the entire survey into five year periods. The first period started in 1987. A symbol is entered into the table for each record, indicating in which survey periods the record occurred. A legend describing these symbols is included with each page. Each list entry also contains a link to some text describing the bird's status on the site. Some exotic species have been excluded from the main list since they are extremely unlikely to have occurred naturally.

List page 01 : Greater White-fronted Goose........Green-winged Teal
List page 02 : Canvasback.........................Pied-billed Grebe
List page 03 : Horned Grebe.......................Bald Eagle
List page 04 : Northern Harrier...................Black-bellied Plover
List page 05 : American Golden-Plover.............Baird's Sandpiper
List page 06 : Pectoral Sandpiper.................Caspian Tern
List page 07 : Black Tern.........................Red-headed Woodpecker
List page 08 : Red-bellied Woodpecker.............Bell's Vireo
List page 09 : Yellow-throated Vireo..............Carolina Wren
List page 10 : House Wren.........................Cedar Waxwing
List page 11 : Lapland Longspur...................Bay-breasted Warbler
List page 12 : Blackpoll Warbler..................Chipping Sparrow
List page 13 : Clay-colored Sparrow...............Scarlet Tanager
List page 14 : Northern Cardinal..................Common Redpoll
List page 15 : Pine Siskin........................House Sparrow

A total of 284 bird species have been recorded at Fermilab.
The 1987 to 1991 survey period produced 4286 records and 238 species.
The 1992 to 1996 survey period produced 4470 records and 243 species.
The 1997 to 2001 survey period produced 4673 records and 253 species.
The 2002 to 2006 survey period produced 4576 records and 241 species.
The 2007 to 2011 survey period produced 4307 records and 235 species.
The 2012 to 2016 survey period produced 2554 records and 202 species.

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