U.S. Department of Justice

TROY ANDERSON, Plaintiff, v. STATE OF COLORADO, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, SUSAN JONES, in her official capacity as warden of the Colorado State Penitentiary, and ARISTEDES W. ZAVARAS, in his official capacity as the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, Defendants.

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Oct. 03, 2012

Library ID

  • 026500


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  • 2012
  • 40 pages

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  • TROY ANDERSON, Plaintiff, v. STATE OF COLORADO, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, SUSAN JONES, in her official capacity as warden of the Colorado State Penitentiary, and ARISTEDES W. ZAVARAS, in his official capacity as the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, Defendants.

ANNOTATION: The Court presents its findings regarding the facts, conclusions of law, and order of judgment for this Complaint. This opinion is organized “around the three central targets of the Complaint; (1) denial of access to the out of doors and outdoor exercise; (2) mental health treatment; and (3) barriers to progression out of administrative segregation” (p. 4). Primarily, the plaintiff must be given access to the outdoors. “The Court enters judgment in favor of the plaintiff and against defendants on plaintiff’s Fourth Claim for Relief. The Court orders that within 60 days the CDOC must develop and present to plaintiff’s counsel and the Court a plan that ensures that Troy Anderson has access for at least one hour, at least three times per week, to outdoor exercise in an area that is fully outside and that includes overhead access to the elements, e.g., to sunlight, rain, snow and wind, unless inclement weather or disciplinary needs make that impossible.” P. 38-39).

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