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OCTOBER 2005Table MV-1
Alabama1,677,402 16,339 1,693,741 2,703 6,385 9,088 2,777,832 27,090 2,804,922 4,457,937 49,814 4,507,751 0.37 80,599 487
Alaska253,388 1,680 255,068 2,224 216 2,440 393,342 9,131 402,473 648,954 11,027 659,981 0.39 21,127 7
Arizona2,037,936 17,266 2,055,202 1,374 3,413 4,787 1,697,105 19,020 1,716,125 3,736,415 39,699 3,776,114 0.35 208,227 821
Arkansas950,365 9,720 960,085 1,618 6,044 7,662 938,284 11,472 949,756 1,890,267 27,236 1,917,503 0.35 43,628 40
California19,056,743 198,947 19,255,690 36,424 17,219 53,643 11,797,270 292,993 12,090,263 30,890,437 509,159 31,399,596 0.53 610,608 15,921
Colorado884,227 10,355 894,582 1,755 4,067 5,822 1,096,165 26,723 1,122,888 1,982,147 41,145 2,023,292 0.19 8,325 86
Connecticut 4/2,035,437 11,594 2,047,031 9,537 873 10,410 956,016 28,135 984,151 3,000,990 40,602 3,041,592 0.58 64,390 364
Delaware413,886 8,869 422,755 1,501 600 2,101 283,177 3,006 286,183 698,564 12,475 711,039 0.50 17,448 37
Dist. of Col.184,931 4,299 189,230 2,491 406 2,897 39,979 6,696 46,675 227,401 11,401 238,802 0.33 1,258 343
Florida8,332,551 108,241 8,440,792 5,148 42,189 47,337 6,411,148 158,196 6,569,344 14,748,847 308,626 15,057,473 0.48 455,836 6,099
Georgia4,194,287 27,949 4,222,236 4,511 15,660 20,171 3,569,214 70,744 3,639,958 7,768,012 114,353 7,882,365 0.48 128,236 1,203
Hawaii532,006 7,839 539,845 3,945 1,323 5,268 394,039 8,260 402,299 929,990 17,422 947,412 0.42 22,778 328
Idaho568,756 6,069 574,825 1,300 2,501 3,801 751,265 14,233 765,498 1,321,321 22,803 1,344,124 0.41 49,397 181
Illinois5,580,162 72,332 5,652,494 17,383 561 17,944 3,547,149 13,954 3,561,103 9,144,694 86,847 9,231,541 0.44 276,077 45
Indiana3,042,500 24,760 3,067,260 9,369 21,975 31,344 2,381,601 44,547 2,426,148 5,433,470 91,282 5,524,752 0.49 153,019 547
Iowa1,871,896 10,468 1,882,364 1,493 6,864 8,357 1,448,079 30,631 1,478,710 3,321,468 47,963 3,369,431 0.63 139,705 295
Kansas844,739 7,909 852,648 1,403 2,486 3,889 1,470,733 19,252 1,489,985 2,316,875 29,647 2,346,522 0.31 61,352 326
Kentucky1,855,231 25,982 1,881,213 1,526 12,662 14,188 1,415,034 8,599 1,423,633 3,271,791 47,243 3,319,034 0.45 53,471 7
Louisiana1,926,007 47,392 1,973,399 15,648 6,241 21,889 1,746,697 24,808 1,771,505 3,688,352 78,441 3,766,793 0.43 55,299 547
Maine602,966 5,734 608,700 556 2,750 3,306 442,856 13,202 456,058 1,046,378 21,686 1,068,064 0.46 38,597 115
Maryland2,534,196 13,777 2,547,973 6,763 5,097 11,860 1,536,240 23,591 1,559,831 4,077,199 42,465 4,119,664 0.46 72,749 95
Massachusetts3,485,689 19,254 3,504,943 10,795 605 11,400 1,898,100 41,824 1,939,924 5,394,584 61,683 5,456,267 0.54 136,887 0
Michigan4,631,850 48,879 4,680,729 10,218 15,955 26,173 3,612,504 79,215 3,691,719 8,254,572 144,049 8,398,621 0.46 227,422 1,434
Minnesota2,489,681 12,509 2,502,190 6,876 10,071 16,947 2,045,692 28,520 2,074,212 4,542,249 51,100 4,593,349 0.49 188,568 335
Mississippi1,113,232 10,010 1,123,242 3,522 5,798 9,320 815,469 16,457 831,926 1,932,223 32,265 1,964,488 0.38 27,162 -
Missouri2,690,262 7,823 2,698,085 3,857 7,657 11,514 2,084,250 18,247 2,102,497 4,778,369 33,727 4,812,096 0.47 77,476 43
Montana427,372 5,788 433,160 1,055 1,542 2,597 554,941 18,003 572,944 983,368 25,333 1,008,701 0.46 47,856 111
Nebraska828,931 13,432 842,363 1,258 5,231 6,489 819,626 20,594 840,220 1,649,815 39,257 1,689,072 0.47 28,370 301
Nevada632,843 9,975 642,818 1,622 279 1,901 622,065 14,640 636,705 1,256,530 24,894 1,281,424 0.27 44,352 471
New Hampshire 4/667,944 4,616 672,560 1,497 397 1,894 490,694 13,164 503,858 1,160,135 18,177 1,178,312 0.51 66,319 -
New Jersey 4/3,973,628 42,857 4,016,485 19,392 3,847 23,239 2,075,843 108,689 2,184,532 6,068,863 155,393 6,224,256 0.46 149,397 514
New Mexico680,860 14,965 695,825 2,433 1,100 3,533 820,257 23,349 843,606 1,503,550 39,414 1,542,964 0.36 36,022 272
New York 4/8,467,840 80,943 8,548,783 25,463 38,688 64,151 2,386,073 99,778 2,485,851 10,879,376 219,409 11,098,785 0.44 169,423 725
North Carolina3,627,016 30,847 3,657,863 10,035 22,780 32,815 2,457,555 50,237 2,507,792 6,094,606 103,864 6,198,470 0.42 100,039 327
North Dakota342,842 4,167 347,009 697 1,948 2,645 342,456 8,772 351,228 685,995 14,887 700,882 0.54 20,920 33
Ohio6,395,447 56,939 6,452,386 18,405 23,531 41,936 4,060,978 80,990 4,141,968 10,474,830 161,460 10,636,290 0.56 297,580 1,072
Oklahoma1,621,824 12,552 1,634,376 2,356 15,602 17,958 1,448,212 50,443 1,498,655 3,072,392 78,597 3,150,989 0.46 84,262 389
Oregon1,447,177 28,076 1,475,253 4,568 11,014 15,582 1,479,061 33,331 1,512,392 2,930,806 72,421 3,003,227 0.40 74,761 692
Pennsylvania 4/5,952,641 48,035 6,000,676 29,044 8,352 37,396 3,715,893 67,302 3,783,195 9,697,578 123,689 9,821,267 0.48 291,015 1,181
Rhode Island 4/526,740 5,132 531,872 1,713 13 1,726 268,887 5,510 274,397 797,340 10,655 807,995 0.49 26,437 69
South Carolina1,911,898 11,066 1,922,964 4,637 12,463 17,100 1,289,654 27,354 1,317,008 3,206,189 50,883 3,257,072 0.46 59,777 252
South Dakota391,729 4,246 395,975 798 1,959 2,757 428,263 14,172 442,435 820,790 20,377 841,167 0.51 41,579 23
Tennessee2,866,519 22,532 2,889,051 4,080 14,351 18,431 2,070,025 57,155 2,127,180 4,940,624 94,038 5,034,662 0.49 108,435 224
Texas8,620,603 114,941 8,735,544 18,154 68,599 86,753 7,850,587 233,830 8,084,417 16,489,344 417,370 16,906,714 0.38 283,564 3,428
Utah1,025,578 11,096 1,036,674 467 822 1,289 1,030,360 16,101 1,046,461 2,056,405 28,019 2,084,424 0.43 44,213 173
Vermont277,235 2,923 280,158 642 1,415 2,057 234,100 6,897 240,997 511,977 11,235 523,212 0.45 28,304 -
Virginia4,056,019 35,315 4,091,334 2,667 15,532 18,199 2,351,680 36,213 2,387,893 6,410,366 87,060 6,497,426 0.54 75,074 383
Washington3,013,428 20,825 3,034,253 3,504 7,545 11,049 2,447,193 42,741 2,489,934 5,464,125 71,111 5,535,236 0.49 159,106 1,121
West Virginia726,385 14,449 740,834 747 2,130 2,877 624,361 28,348 652,709 1,351,493 44,927 1,396,420 0.40 18,981 553
Wisconsin2,575,285 16,446 2,591,731 9,600 4,766 14,366 2,051,293 47,679 2,098,972 4,636,178 68,891 4,705,069 0.47 232,105 703
Wyoming228,921 5,461 234,382 994 1,982 2,976 390,195 13,361 403,556 620,110 20,804 640,914 0.45 30,540 75
Total135,077,031 1,353,620 136,430,651 329,768 465,506 795,274 97,859,492 2,157,199 100,016,691 233,266,291 3,976,325 237,242,616 0.46 5,738,072 42,798
Puerto Rico 2,210,998 -2,210,998 3,308 -3,308 36,063 -36,063 2,250,369 -2,250,369 -31,770  

1/ For additional details of publicly owned vehicles and of trucks, buses, and trailers registered, see tables MV-7, 9, 10, and 11, respectively. Where the registration year is not more than one month removed from the calendar year, registration-year data are given. Where the registration year is more than one month removed, registrations are given for the calendar year. In some instances, corrections or revisions have been made in previously published data; consequently the figures shown in Highway Statistics Summary to 1995 supersede those in Highway Statistics Summaries, 1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985, as well as the annual issues of Highway Statistics.

2/ Includes Federal, State, county, and municipal vehicles. Vehicles owned by the military services are not included.

3/ The numbers of private and commercial buses given here are estimates by the Federal Highway Administration of the numbers in operation, rather than the registration counts of the States.

4/ The following farm trucks, registered at a nominal fee and restricted to use in the vicinity of the owner's farm, are not included in this table: Connecticut, 6,492; New Hampshire, 8,193 New Jersey, 7,905; New York, 22,426; Pennsylvania, 24,631; and Rhode Island, 1,644.

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