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Highway Statistics 2007

Public Road Length - 2007 Kilometers by Functional System And Federal-Aid Highways National Summary

October 2008
Table HM-18M

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Principal Arterial:
Interstate 48,911 - 48,911 - 48,911 - 48,911
Other - 127,634 127,634 24,963 152,596 - 152,596
Subtotal 48,911 127,634 176,545 24,963 201,508 - 201,508
Minor Arterial - 3,644 3,644 214,463 218,106 - 218,106
Major Collector - 1,193 1,193 674,219 675,411 - 675,411
Minor Collector - 27 27 - 27 423,465 423,492
Subtotal - 4,863 4,863 888,681 893,545 423,465 1,317,010
Local - 56 56 - 56 3,294,755 3,294,812
Total - Rural 48,911 132,554 181,465 913,644 1,095,109 3,718,220 4,813,329
Small Urban:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 3,632 - 3,632 - 3,632 - 3,632
Other Freeways and Expressways - 1,812 1,812 243 2,055 - 2,055
Other - 9,915 9,915 12,752 22,668 - 22,668
Subtotal 3,632 11,727 15,360 12,995 28,355 - 28,355
Minor Arterial - 409 409 34,425 34,834 - 34,834
Collector - 89 89 40,984 41,072 - 41,072
Local - 16 16 - 16 221,726 221,742
Total - Small Urban 3,632 12,241 15,873 88,404 104,277 221,726 326,003
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 22,989 - 22,989 - 22,989 - 22,989
Other Freeways and Expressways - 13,591 13,591 2,021 15,612 - 15,612
Other - 27,187 27,187 52,619 79,806 - 79,806
Subtotal 22,989 40,778 63,767 54,640 118,407 - 118,407
Minor Arterial - 1,743 1,743 132,475 134,218 - 134,218
Collector - 505 505 136,720 137,226 - 137,226
Local - 172 172 - 172 986,113 986,285
Total - Urbanized 22,989 43,198 66,187 323,835 390,023 986,113 1,376,136
Total Urban:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 26,622 - 26,622 - 26,622 - 26,622
Other Freeways And Expressways - 15,403 15,403 2,264 17,667 - 17,667
Other - 37,102 37,102 65,372 102,473 - 102,473
Subtotal 26,622 52,505 79,127 67,636 146,763 - 146,763
Minor Arterial - 2,152 2,152 166,900 169,052 - 169,052
Collector - 594 594 177,704 178,298 - 178,298
Local - 188 188 - 188 1,207,838 1,208,027
Total - Urban 26,622 55,439 82,060 412,240 494,300 1,207,838 1,702,139
Total - Rural and Urban 75,533 187,992 263,525 1,325,884 1,589,409 4,926,059 6,515,468

1/ Includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. Indiana excludes 1,268 kilometers of Federal agency owned roads. Minnesota excludes 703 kilometers of local government roads.

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Updated: 01/03/2012

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration