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Highway Statistics 2007

Obligation of Federal Funds for Roadway Projects by Improvement Type 1/

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Thousands of Dollars

Three Pie Charts: 2007 - $16,290,662. 2006 - %16,027,010. 2005 - $14,356,915.

Legend: Lime Green is for Restoration and Rehabiliation. White is Relocation. Yellow is New Route. Blue Stripes is Resurfacing. Blue is Reconstruciton

1/ Data source is the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) of the Federal Highway Administration Major widening is now included in Reconstruction-added capacity. Minor widening is now included in Reconstruction-no added capacity. Reconstruction in these piecharts includes both major widening or minor widening.

Year 2007 = $16,290,662
Restoration & Rehab. 15%
Relocation 1%
New Route 11%
Resurfacing 21%
Reconstruction 52%
Year 2006 = $16,027,010
Restoration & Rehab. 16%
Relocation 1%
New Route 10%
Resurfacing 20%
Reconstruction 53%
Year 2005 = $14,356,919
Restoration & Rehab. 14%
Relocation 1%
New Route 13%
Resurfacing 17%
Reconstruction 55%
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Updated: 01/03/2012

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration