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Died Aug. 1, 1969.

Eugen Gottfried Reinartz was born in East Liverpool, Ohio, in 1889. He graduated with the degree of doctor of medicine from the Medico-Chirurgical College, Pa., in June 1916. On July 6, 1917 he was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Medical Service, Officers' Reserve Corps, and was immediately ordered to active duty and stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. He was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Medical Corps, Regular Army, Dec. 12, 1917.

During the First World War he served as assistant in surgery at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. In February 1919 he was transferred to the Air Service Depot, Wilbur Wright Field, Fairfield, Ohio, as assistant in surgery until the following April when he was ordered to Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla. In December 1919 he was sent to the Medical Detachment, Camp John H. Beacom, Calif., and a month later was assigned to medical duty with the 9th Aero Squadron at Calexico, Calif. He transferred to Mather Field, Calif., and joined the 9th Aero Squadron in July 1920, serving there as assistant flight surgeon until the following August when he went to Mitchel Field, Long Island, N.Y., to study at the Medical Research Laboratory.

In November 1920 he went as flight surgeon to March Field, Calif. He later returned to Mitchel Field, N.Y., for additional study in the Medical Research Laboratory, after which he returned to March Field, Calif. In May 1921 he proceeded to Eugene, Ore., for a brief tour of duty with the 91st Squadron and then went to Mather Field, Calif., as flight surgeon.

In January 1923 he was ordered to the Philippine Islands and was on duty at Fort Mills and Kindley Field until the following June when he was sent to Camp Nichols, Rizal, as station surgeon. He went to Camp Stotsenburg, Philippine Islands, in October 1923 as flight surgeon. He returned to the United States in January 1925 and was stationed at Bolling Field, D.C. In April 1928 he was transferred to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, as post surgeon. He enrolled as a student at St. Elizabeth's Hospital Washington, D.C., in August 1931 and upon completing his course in November 1931, went to the School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, as director, Department of Neuropsychiatry.

He was sent to Cleburne, Texas, as surgeon of Texas Sub District No. 2, Civilian Conservation Corps in September 1933. He left there the following December to teach in the school of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, and in May l924 was transferred to Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., where he served as post surgeon, flight surgeon, and commanding officer, Detachment Medical Department.

Upon completing an advanced course in the Medical Field School returned to Chanute Field as post surgeon. In November 1937 he was assigned to Hickam Field, Hawaii, as dispensary surgeon, flight surgeon and commanding officer of the Medical Department.

He returned to the United States in December 1939 and was assigned to the Surgeon's Office, Headquarters Ninth Corps, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., as assistant corps area surgeon. He was transferred to Scott Field, Ill., in August 1940, where he served as post surgeon, senior flight surgeon, senior flight surgeon, and president of the Flying Cadet Board. He left there in September 1941 to accept the position as commandant, School of Aviation Medicine, Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Center at Randolph Field, Texas.

He is rated a flight surgeon.


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