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Retired Aug. 31, 1951.   Died Nov. 5, 1979.

Lt. Gen. Richard Emmel Nugent was born in Altoona, Penn., December 1902. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy June 12, 1924, and was commissioned a second lieutenant of Infantry.

General Nugent joined the 17th Tank Battalion at Camp Meade, Md., in September. Later that month he entered the Tank School there, was graduated in March 1925, and rejoined the 17th. In August 1927 he was assigned to the Tank Section, Automotive Testing Division at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Entering the Air Corps Primary Flying School at Brooks Field, Texas, in March 1929, he graduated from Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas, a year later and was transferred to the Air Corps. Immediately thereafter he was assigned with the 20th Bomb Squadron at Langley Field, Va.

Assigned to the Panama Canal Zone in September 1930, General Nugent was stationed at France Field with the 25th Bomb Squadron until October 1931 when he joined the 7th Observation Squadron there. He was transferred to the 44th Observation Squadron the following February, and in May 1932 was named Post Adjutant and 6th Composite Group Adjutant at France Field.

Returning to Langley Field, Va., in October, General Nugent was Assistant Post Adjutant, becoming commanding officer of Flight A, 16th Observation Squadron, the following January. He was designated operations officer of the 2nd Bomb Group in December. From February to May 1934 he served as zone adjutant and assistant zone adjutant for personnel of the Eastern Zone of the Army Air Corps mail operations with stations at Floyd Bennett Field and Mitchel Field, N.Y.

Reassigned to Langley Field in July 1934, General Nugent was Wing Adjutant of the 2nd Bomb Wing and Commanding Officer of the 2nd Bomb Wing Headquarters, becoming Post Operations Officer at Langley Field in March 1935. In September he was named Flight Commander of the 96th Bomb Squadron, and was designated Adjutant of the 2nd Bomb Group in July 1936.

Entering the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell Field, Ala., in August 1937, General Nugent graduated the following June, and a year later graduated from the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Moving to the Office of the Chief of Air Corps, Washington, D.C., he was assistant chief of the Personnel Division, and in July 1940 he was named chief of the Flying Cadet Section. The following January he was given temporary duty with the Royal Air Force in London, England, as Assistant Military Attache for Air. Six months later he returned to Air Corps Headquarters, Washington, D.C., as Chief of the Planning Section, becoming Chief of the Officers Section in January 1942. From March 1942 to April 1943 he served in the War Department General Staff in the Office of the Chief of Staff.

Moving to Mitchel Field, N.Y., General Nugent was Chief of Staff of the Eastern Defense Command and the First Air Force. He assumed command of the Philadelphia Fighter Wing in October 1943.

The following month General Nugent was named Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations for Ninth Air Force in Europe. In September 1944, he assumed command of the 29th Tactical Air Command in France, and in March 1945 he was assigned to 9th Fighter Command headquarters on detached service with the 29th Tactical Air Command.

In September 1945, General Nugent was transferred to Air Force Personnel Distribution Command at Louisville, Ky., and three months later he was named Military Attache and Military Air Attache to Brazil.

Reassigned at Air Corps Headquarters, Washington, D.C., in 1947, in succession served as Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Acting Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel in October 1950, and then Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel at Air Force Headquarters in 1951. 

His decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Air Medal. He was awarded the Mackay Trophy in 1936. He is rated a command pilot, combat observer and technical observer.

First Lieutenant         June 25, 1929
Captain                       April 20, 1935 (temp)          Aug. 1, 1945 (permanent)
Major                           March 11, 1940 (temp)       June 12, 1941 (permanent)
Lieutenant Colonel   Nov. 15, 1941 (temp)         June 12, 1947 (permanent)
Colonel                       March 1, 1942 (temp)        
Brigadier General     June 30,1943 (temp)         Feb. 19, 1948 (permanent) 
Major General            Feb. 19, 1948 (temp)         Jan. 27, 1950 (permanent)
Lieutenant General  April 11, 1951 (temp)

(Current as of Aug. 31, 1951)


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