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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Transcripts
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News Transcripts document all DOD news briefings and significant interviews. News transcripts issued within the past 30 days are listed below. Older transcripts are available on the transcript archive page. Transcripts are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DOD News for more information and for links to other news items.
11/30/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Ivan Scott, WTOP-Radio, Washington, DC
11/30/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Marc Bernier, WNDB-AM Radio, Daytona Beach, FL
11/30/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Steve Gill, WWTN-FM Radio, Nashville, TN
11/29/2004:   Sec Rumsfeld Remarks at Retirement Ceremony for Acting Secretary of the Army, Les Brownlee
11/29/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld's Remarks at Fort Meyer Retirement Ceremony for Acting Secretary of the Army, Les Brownlee
11/23/2004:   Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
11/23/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Laura Ingraham on The Laura Ingraham Show
11/19/2004:   Defense Department Special Briefing on Operational Update on Iraq
11/19/2004:   Special Defense Department Briefing
11/19/2004:   Defense Department Briefing on Progress of Reconstruction Work in Iraq; Plans For Reconstruction in Fallujah
11/18/2004:   Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
11/17/2004:   Remarks By Secretary Rumsfeld Plenary Session - Defense Ministerial of The Americas
11/16/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on Condoleezza Rice's Nomination as Secretary of State
11/16/2004:   Senior Defense Official on Background in Ecuador
11/15/2004:   Operational Update on Fallujah, Iraq
11/15/2004:   Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Roundtable Discussion
11/13/2004:   Secretary Of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Press Conference With The Minister Of Government & Justice The Republic Of Panama Salon Paz (Peace Room)
11/12/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Press Conference in El Salvador
11/12/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability with Nicaraguan President Bolanos
11/12/2004:   Coalition and Iraqi Forces Briefing
11/11/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Veteran's Day Remarks, U.S. Embassy, San Salvador, El Salvador
11/11/2004:   Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks En Route to El Salvador
11/11/2004:   Coalition and Iraqi Forces Briefing
11/10/2004:   Coalition and Iraqi Forces Briefing
11/09/2004:   Special Defense Department Video Teleconference Briefing
11/08/2004:   Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld Press Briefing
11/08/2004:   DoD Briefing - Iraq Security Forces and Multinational Forces Offensive Actions in Fallujah, Iraq