In The News

Aug 8, 2011 | The State

S.C. Congressmen Make a Splash

Over the past two weeks, the four — Gowdy and U.S. Reps. Jeff Duncan of Laurens, Mick Mulvaney of Indian Land and Tim Scott of North Charleston — stuck together in opposing Boehner’s plan and even the final debt-ceiling compromise that passed the House and Senate, in spite of their “no” votes. The four say that final deal does not go far enough in cutting costs or ensuring an early vote on a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution.

Aug 8, 2011 | Politico

Debt Ceiling Bill Puts South Carolina vs. the World in House

The delegation that prays together stays together — just ask South Carolina’s House Republicans, a bloc of five lawmakers that have proved some of the toughest votes to crack as GOP leaders push to flip votes for their deficit reduction package.

Aug 8, 2011 | The State

S.C. Five Resist GOP Arm-Twisting

The five Republican House members from South Carolina held firm Thursday night against relentless pressure from Speaker John Boehner to vote for his bill to increase the federal debt ceiling.

Jul 27, 2011 | South Carolina Radio Network

Duncan: America’s Looking For A Solution

Freshman Republican Third District Congressman Jeff Duncan has been a staunch supporter of the Cut, Cap and Balance legislation that passed the GOP-controlled House last week, but died in the Democratic-controlled Senate. In an interview with Greenwood affiliate WLMA Tuesday, he said he is continuing to battle for what he views as the will of the people.

Jul 27, 2011

Congressman Jeff Duncan Takes on Muslim Brotherhood in US

Duncan authored and successfully introduced an amendment dubbed the “Muslim Brotherhood Amendment” to the Fiscal Year 2012 Foreign Relations Authorization bill. According to Duncan, this amendment will “ensure that no American tax dollars go to that [Muslim Brotherhood] organization.”

Jul 27, 2011 | The State

DeMint, Graham Pan Boehner Debt Plan

Sens. Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham pressured South Carolina’s five fellow Republican House members Tuesday to repudiate Speaker John Boehner and vote against his plan for resolving the debt-ceiling crisis.

Jul 25, 2011 | Edgefield Daily

Duncan Works to Reform Foreign Aid

Issues: Foreign Affairs

This week, freshman Congressman Jeff Duncan introduced multiple amendments to the FY12 Foreign Relations Authorization Act that passed the full House Foreign Affairs Committee. Each of the amendments passed and were adopted into the final version of the bill that passed out of the full committee late Thursday evening.

Jul 25, 2011 | The Hill

House Hits Foreign Aid in Late-Night Markup of Foreign-Relations Bill

Issues: Foreign Affairs

The House Foreign Affairs Committee worked late Wednesday night and into early Thursday morning on the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, and much of the work involved accepting amendments that would significantly limit U.S. foreign aid and improve the transparency of foreign aid programs.

Jul 25, 2011 | The State Column

Rep. Jeff Duncan Votes for Cut, Cap and Balance Read more

On Tuesday freshman Congressman Jeff Duncan voted for the conservative spending reform bill backed by Senator Jim DeMint, Governor Nikki Haley, and conservative Tea Party activists known as Cut, Cap, and Balance.

Jul 25, 2011

GOP House members demand Obama to produce debt-ceiling plan

A group of freshman House Republicans descended on the White House this morning to demand that President Obama present in writing his own debt-ceiling proposal that reduces the deficit by cutting government spending.
