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Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vaccines & Immunizations

Statistics and Surveillance:

July 2000 - June 2001 Table Data


January 18, 2003: Content on this page kept for historical reasons.


Coverage with Individual Vaccines and Vaccination Series
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Description of Immunization Action Plan (IAP) area
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
by State and Immunization Action Plan (IAP) area
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
by State

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Coverage Levels by Milestone Ages
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
3 months by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
5 months by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
7 months by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
13 months by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
19 months by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
24 months by State and IAP

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WIC and Poverty Status
Coverage Levels With Individual Vaccines and Selected Vaccination Series By Participation in WIC, VFC and Poverty Status
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Participating in WIC by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Not Participating in WIC by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Living at or Above Poverty by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Living Below Poverty by State and IAP

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Vaccination Coverage Levels by Urbanicity
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Living in a MSA Central City by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Living in a MSA Non Central City by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Living in a Non MSA Central City by State and IAP

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Vaccine - Specific Coverage Levels by Race/Ethnicity and Poverty Level
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
3+DTP by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
4+DTP by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
3+Polio by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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1+MMR by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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3+Hib by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
3+Hep by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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1+Varicella by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
3:3:1 by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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4:3:1 by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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4:3:1:3 by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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4:3:1:3:3 by State and IAP
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
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National Coverage by Race/Ethnicity
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
National Coverage by Poverty Level and Race/Ethnicity

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Facility and VFC
Coverage by Provider Characteristics (Facility Type and VFC participation)
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
by Provider Facility Type
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Participating in Vaccine for Children (VFC) Programs by State and IAP area
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Not Participating in VFC by State and IAP

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Selected Socio-Demographics
Microsoft Excel file Excel file
printable file HTML file
Socio-Demographics: Poverty, Provider Type, Race, MSA

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This page last modified on January 18, 2002
Content last reviewed on January 18, 2002
Content on this page kept for historical reasons: January 18, 2003
Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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Vaccines and Immunizations