For Immediate Release

October 7, 2010

Contact: Christian Hoffman, Special Agent – PIO
Office: (818) 265-2507

ATF Los Angeles Hosts Citizens Academy

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — John A. Torres, Special Agent in Charge, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Los Angeles Field Division announced the ATF Citizens Academy presented by the Los Angeles Field Division began yesterday and is scheduled to run through Nov. 17. The academy’s goal is to create a greater understanding of ATF’s role in the community through education, open discussion and practical exercises.

The Citizens Academy provides local business, civic, religious and community leaders an inside look at federal law enforcement in general and ATF in particular, Torres said. The overall goal is to build relationships and create an understanding between ATF and the community to further assist citizens in making their communities a better and safer place.

The Citizens Academy is hosted twice a year and is open to approximately 40 students per class. Students must be civic, religious or community leaders, and be at least 21 years old with no felony convictions. The class meets weekly for approximately three hours and lasts seven weeks. Some of the topics covered include:

The next Citizens Academy is scheduled for spring 2011. For additional information, please contact the Los Angeles Field Division at (818) 265-2500, or visit the Citizens Academy Web page at

For more information about ATF and its programs visit
