Today's Military:

Career Profiles

Because there are so many possible career paths, every servicemember enjoys a unique experience in the Military. The profiles here are personal stories of how various servicemembers succeeded in their careers and how they got to where they are today.

Construction, Building and Extraction Careers

  • James Kemter.

    James Kemter

    “My dad was in the National Guard… that sort of sparked the initial interest to serve.” While still in high school, James Kemter of Columbus, Ohio, debated between enlisting in the Military immediately after graduation or going to college through ... View profile

  • John Brown.

    John Brown
    Assistant Public Works Officer

    I was born and raised in Newport News, Va. Coming out of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I just knew that I wanted to get away from home and explore. I took ... View profile

  • Steve Opalenik.

    Steve Opalenik
    Facilities Officer

    “If you look back in my senior year, the Military was the last place I was going to go. I just wasn’t really thinking about the Military right then… but it started to look better and better.” Steve Opalenik remembers ... View profile

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