The California National Guard - Always Ready, Always There
California State Military Reserve 


State Military Reserve

California National Guard - Californians Serving Our State and Nation

 Welcome to the California State Military Reserve 

Brigadier General Roland L. Candee, Commander, California State Military Reserve

Commander, State Military Reserve
Brigadier General (CA)

Roland L. Candee

(Click here for biography)  

 Command Chief Master Sergeant Charles W. Collier, California State Military Reserve

Command Chief Master Sergeant,
State Military Reserve
Charles W. Collier

(Click here for biography)

The California State Military Reserve (CSMR) is the State Defense Force of California authorized by United States Code (32 USC 109c) and the California Military and Veteran’s Code (CM&VC 550).

The mission of the California State Military Reserve is to provide an adequately trained and organized State military reserve force under the exclusive control of the Governor. The CSMR is meant to be capable of accomplishing those State emergency responsibilities normally assigned to the National Guard, when the Guard is federalized or otherwise not available.

In addition, the CSMR performs such military duties as the Governor directs within the parameters of applicable federal and state law. Typically those additional military duties include assisting civil authorities during domestic emergencies and assisting in the mobilization and demobilization process of the National Guard.

The CSMR is a volunteer operational force upon which the California National Guard depends. Its members are subject to call to state active duty by the Governor of the State of California.