Not Seasonally Adjusted Exhibit 6: U.S. Imports of Section 201 Products from Selected Countries Quantity in metric tons/ value in thousands of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding April 2005 March 2005 Preliminary Preliminary Countries and Areas Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 1,201,436 850,368 1,106,227 775,196 Argentina 12,331 9,543 7,794 5,903 Brazil 339,587 205,831 137,232 69,818 Bulgaria 11,150 4,648 15,286 5,941 Canada 375,209 312,809 384,348 324,039 Columbia 5,957 4,855 2,998 2,869 Czech Republic 526 672 1,152 941 Egypt 474 393 6,393 4,013 Hungary 0 2 9 4 India 59,649 54,418 53,270 49,797 Indonesia 209 156 5,381 4,145 Latvia 9,756 4,606 94 350 Mexico 309,210 198,346 324,270 208,497 Oman 1,230 869 951 662 Poland 1,298 1,763 157 204 Romania 5,870 4,681 32,063 16,577 South Africa 17,383 12,811 10,659 8,669 Thailand 818 1,393 44,564 30,515 Trinidad and Tobago 120 80 140 94 Turkey 45,081 28,457 33,144 17,214 Venezuela 5,580 4,035 46,320 24,945 ______________________________________________________________ March 2005 Final Countries and Areas Quantity Value Total Census Basis 1,144,637 806,207 Argentina 13,961 10,771 Brazil 137,653 70,182 Bulgaria 20,548 8,924 Canada 393,495 332,780 Columbia 3,367 3,057 Czech Republic 1,152 941 Egypt 6,393 4,013 Hungary 9 4 India 53,289 49,813 Indonesia 5,381 4,145 Latvia 132 467 Mexico 324,324 208,531 Oman 951 662 Poland 3,158 3,015 Romania 33,601 17,500 South Africa 10,740 8,730 Thailand 51,628 34,820 Trinidad and Tobago 140 94 Turkey 38,394 22,814 Venezuela 46,320 24,945 ______________________________________________________________ April 2004 March 2004 Final Final Countries and Areas Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 1,055,690 585,305 1,100,345 534,331 Argentina 14,130 6,040 3,539 1,168 Brazil 113,979 38,347 210,807 63,292 Bulgaria 24,688 7,677 16,283 4,871 Canada 343,767 238,751 373,137 242,755 Columbia 2,344 2,410 1,233 787 Czech Republic 5,035 2,614 11,160 5,179 Egypt 1,237 640 38,511 16,662 Hungary 3,386 1,002 4,590 1,208 India 66,330 53,619 72,396 46,003 Indonesia 6,218 2,416 2,798 1,223 Latvia 26,762 9,057 41,535 13,162 Mexico 227,976 113,587 284,584 119,793 Oman 375 202 2,462 1,143 Poland 9,086 3,622 317 299 Romania 12,761 5,085 11,263 3,732 South Africa 23,607 10,392 736 339 Thailand 10,503 5,063 10,261 5,605 Trinidad and Tobago 6,773 4,227 1,683 565 Turkey 125,618 68,202 5,871 3,252 Venezuela 31,116 12,351 7,181 3,295 ______________________________________________________________ March 2005 March 2004 Cumulative to Cumulative to Date - Final Date - Final Countries and Areas Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 3,517,810 2,404,408 2,962,901 1,327,981 Argentina 43,202 31,896 24,976 9,560 Brazil 539,359 282,151 572,233 159,445 Bulgaria 32,798 14,454 41,587 12,330 Canada 1,091,064 900,335 1,003,232 608,878 Columbia 8,868 7,972 3,232 1,766 Czech Republic 6,519 5,484 35,021 13,440 Egypt 144,151 85,417 55,441 22,133 Hungary 2,035 1,255 6,700 1,759 India 131,692 124,643 92,303 65,082 Indonesia 9,359 6,977 4,585 2,347 Latvia 322 1,172 57,389 18,236 Mexico 929,183 603,844 863,538 335,008 Oman 4,634 3,326 6,875 2,913 Poland 4,938 5,342 1,694 1,199 Romania 50,471 26,266 62,067 18,977 South Africa 47,338 32,991 4,719 1,650 Thailand 90,394 60,155 18,548 10,201 Trinidad and Tobago 1,613 778 6,904 3,115 Turkey 244,052 135,366 70,165 28,544 Venezuela 135,817 74,582 31,691 11,399 NOTE: Data shown reflect imports of steel products from all countries included in the monitored steel categories, regardless of whether the product or country is subject to the safeguard measures. See the cover report specifically explaining the current month's preliminary steel imports trade data or foreign-trade/Press-Release/steel_index.html. CONTACT: For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Vanessa Ware (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau. SOURCE: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products: Preliminary April 2005 (CB-05-69)