Exhibit 4C: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Carbon (Non-Alloy) Steel Products from Selected Countries and Areas: (Census Basis) Not Seasonally Adjusted Quantity in metric tons/ value in thousands of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding October 2008 October 2007 Cumulative to Cumulative to Date - Final Date - Final Countries and Areas Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 20,254,135 20,174,719 21,668,140 15,399,564 North America 7,000,108 6,721,981 5,808,892 4,190,211 Canada 4,678,239 4,440,636 3,949,032 2,896,813 Mexico 2,321,869 2,281,345 1,859,860 1,293,398 Europe 4,473,243 4,649,975 4,987,557 3,700,242 European Union 2,033,084 2,522,896 2,465,865 2,368,241 Austria 91,384 178,038 84,624 127,062 Belgium 78,737 69,839 71,151 55,005 Czech Republic 67,001 83,319 85,780 80,987 Finland 2,556 3,263 5,947 3,285 France 99,572 129,087 164,309 145,246 Germany 530,507 690,341 536,251 548,496 Hungary 2 3 927 571 Italy 218,280 323,429 403,076 328,415 Netherlands 296,942 234,230 349,612 218,598 Poland 65,853 47,139 12,237 17,492 Spain 91,113 106,579 61,469 63,508 Sweden 13,572 19,959 9,440 17,899 United Kingdom 143,854 177,864 230,790 258,237 Other EU 333,709 459,807 450,252 503,441 Moldova (-) (-) 1,147 906 Norway 23,251 26,859 25,731 19,371 Russia 766,088 633,440 975,989 506,093 Switzerland 10,904 20,712 17,617 24,752 Turkey 540,640 514,808 475,794 266,855 Ukraine 1,095,193 926,691 976,722 474,216 Other Europe 4,084 4,569 48,692 39,810 Euro Area 1,678,244 2,112,045 2,045,053 1,913,226 Pacific Rim Countries 6,317,009 6,294,540 7,652,532 5,209,322 Australia 593,399 466,153 693,042 353,599 China 2,675,797 2,950,526 3,248,872 2,227,442 Indonesia 3,712 5,081 20,704 16,690 Japan 882,145 855,235 937,919 710,744 Newly Industrialized Countries(NICS) 2,067,315 1,937,835 2,404,679 1,713,429 Hong Kong 444 712 31,241 17,599 Korea 1,662,195 1,515,940 1,470,845 1,057,933 Singapore 387 682 66,270 36,705 Taiwan 404,290 420,501 836,324 601,192 Other Pacific Rim 94,641 79,710 347,315 187,417 South/Central America 1,224,412 1,079,830 2,239,860 1,407,778 Argentina 68,347 122,203 68,651 78,702 Brazil 992,317 765,101 1,831,112 1,099,725 Chile 1,007 1,333 1,701 1,470 Colombia 44,960 73,091 45,655 54,439 Venezuela 36,777 45,363 131,383 84,508 Other S/C A 81,004 72,740 161,359 88,934 Other Countries 1,239,364 1,428,393 979,299 892,011 Egypt (-) (-) 8,262 4,766 India 969,385 1,151,572 593,381 637,748 South Africa 46,497 45,188 87,295 70,420 Thailand 162,086 163,274 281,022 171,570 Other 61,396 68,358 9,339 7,506 NOTE: See the cover report specifically explaining the current month's preliminary steel imports trade data or www.census.gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/steel_index.html. CONTACT: For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau. SOURCE: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products: Preliminary November 2008 (CB-08-186)