Exhibit 2B: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Stainless Steel Products: (Census Basis) Not Seasonally Adjusted Quantity in metric tons/ value in thousands of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding October 2008 October 2007 Cumulative to Cumulative to Date - Final Date - Final Commodity Grouping Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Selected Commodities 857,715 4,308,936 956,039 4,826,268 Ingots And Steel For Castings 16,691 66,396 14,556 62,829 Blooms, Billets And Slabs 88,842 407,522 93,848 474,165 Wire Rods 20,512 92,011 22,258 109,455 Structural Shapes Heavy 2,165 11,688 2,539 15,269 Plates Cut Lengths 52,631 262,488 74,417 433,884 Plates In Coils 22,333 108,931 43,484 246,930 Bars - Hot Rolled 28,358 165,146 24,464 135,140 Bars - Light Shaped 7,481 38,387 4,405 23,346 Bars - Cold Finished 69,758 415,500 71,659 409,700 Oil Country Goods 41,825 158,034 60,666 182,529 Line Pipe > 16 Inches In Diamete 111 674 63 284 Line Pipe <= 16 Inches In Diamet 2,884 17,558 23,630 27,011 Line Pipe - Not Specified 253 1,885 20,577 21,104 Stainless Pipe & Tubing 106,824 919,973 136,555 1,018,231 Wire Drawn 33,654 213,765 36,123 235,613 Sheets Hot Rolled 26,837 57,173 16,224 38,314 Sheets Cold Rolled 299,023 1,179,141 276,040 1,202,639 Strip - Hot Rolled 1,575 7,716 2,567 10,632 Strip - Cold Rolled 35,957 184,949 31,964 179,191 NOTE: See the cover report specifically explaining the current month's preliminary steel imports trade data or www.census.gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/steel_index.html. CONTACT: For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau. SOURCE: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products: Preliminary November 2008 (CB-08-186)