Media Highlights – September 10, 2012

Media Highlights – September 10, 2012

About Our Broadcasters

Nigeria: Why We Attacked Telecoms Facilities – Boko Haram - AllAfrica, September 7, 2012
A statement written in Hausa and signed by Abul-Qaqa equally threatened attacks on the facilities of the Voice of America (VOA) as well as its correspondents and staff. [...] “We have also established that through its various programmes, the VOA has launched a campaign of calumny against Islam. We have resolved to fight back by tracking and killing its employees. Any employee of the VOA that wants to remain alive must quit.”
Also mentioned in Nigerian Tribune, Channels TV, The Times of Nigeria, Daily Times

Political students attend conventionAltoona Mirror, September 10, 2012
Political science and international studies major Waksmunski interned with Voice of America, taking photos, helping with interviews, doing “the things they needed me to do.”

VOA Employees Grumble at Twitter RequestRadio World, September 7, 2012
Al Kamen’s “In the Loop” column in the Sept. 9 Washington Post highlighted a major dilemma felt by many Voice of America employees: Twitter.

Said K. Aburish, Palestinian Journalist, Dies at 77New York Times, September 8, 2012
Said Khalil Aburish was born in Bethany on May 1, 1935. He graduated from Princeton and earned an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. He worked as a reporter for Radio Free Europe, then served in the United States Army. After becoming an American citizen in 1958, he wrote for the London newspaper The Daily Mail.

Media Citations of BBG Broadcasters

Myanmar invites anti-colonialist home from exile - The China Post, September 10, 2012
The daughter of 92-year-old Kyaw Zaw told U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia in an interview this weekend that the invitation was conveyed by President’s Office Minister Aung Min. She spoke from Kunming in southern China, where she lives with her father. The only other surviving member of the group, Bo Ye Htut, lives in Myanmar.

Axe-Murderer Pardon Hardens Azeri, Armenian AttitudesInstitute for War & Peace Reporting, September 7, 2012
“This is what happens when the public isn’t allowed to do anything. They are angry,” said Khadija Ismailova, a journalist with Radio Liberty. “I think Safarov did something terrible. He created lots of problems for Azerbaijan. But people who are victims of occupation think he is a hero because he did something. He acted wrongly, but he did act. “

Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp Takes Narrow Lead in ElectionChina Digital Times, September 9, 2012
The results of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council elections are in, and pro-democracy candidates won the majority of seats, but not as many as supporters had hoped for. Voice of America reports on the election results: Official results released early Monday show pro-democracy candidates won 18 of the 35 legislative seats directly elected by voters in Hong Kong’s geographical constituencies…

Sudan: Rebel Alliance Makes Good On Its ThreatsAllAfrica, September 10, 2012
This perhaps explains why Khartoum’s attention has been distracted from the Thabo Mbeki-mediated peace talks currently being held with South Sudan in Addis Ababa, designed to resolve all the outstanding issues that were not solved prior to the south’s secession. It’s not going very well. “The first week of renewed negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan ended without any new agreement,” reported Voice of America. “The first week of negotiations focused mainly on the border and related oil and security issues. But there hasn’t been a breakthrough yet.”

Lhasa Remains Off Limits To Natives Of Tibet’s Amdo And Kham Regions - The Tibet Post, September 10, 2012
Natives of Amdo and Kham regions of Tibet are being barred from freely travelling to the capital city of Lhasa. Radio Free Asia (RFA) in a recent report states that China has taken the step to further intensifying the crackdown, as they fear the spread of protests from Tibet’s Amdo and Kham regions to Lhasa.

China jails teenaged Tibetan girl for separatism - Tibetan Review, September 10, 2012
China on Aug 25 jailed a 17-year-old Tibetan girl to a three-year for three years for alleged splittism after she staged a lone protest in Karze County of Sichuan Province on Jun 24, reported Radio Free Asia (Washington) Sep 6.

Bomb kills 6 near mosque in DamascusUPI, September 7, 2012
With opposition groups increasing their military activity and government forces using heavy weaponry, the impact is increasingly on civilians, Voice of America reported.

Burma Generals Incite Buddhist ChauvinismOnIslam, September 8, 2012
“These generals are considered monk killers,” Maung Zarni, a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics, told Voice Of America on Friday, September 7.

Two hot bands, one cool night in Taos - Taos News, September 7, 2012
In 2011, The Dunwells were brought to the 2011 International Folk Alliance. It was their first time in the United States, and they quickly turned heads, including that of Folk Alliance Director Louis Jay Meyers, who said on Voice of America radio, “Anyone that’s seen them has just been, ‘Oh my God!’ They’re mind boggling!’ ”

Of Interest

59% of Emirati Twitter users are womenGulf News, September 9, 2012
A section of the audience sought to highlight the importance of using twitter as a means of answering and educating people who question the UAE’s government and policies. Al Falasi warned the local twitter community of fake accounts that target Emiratis by means of provoking tweets and called on them to ignore them. “Sometimes the best policy to act against these users is through ignoring them as they are simply not worth wasting your time for,” he said.

Censors monkey with China art show before 18th Party CongressReuters, September 7, 2012
The pot-bellied official in a tan golf shirt paused in front of a poster-sized image for a few seconds, asked a member of his entourage to make a note of it, then continued to lead the group on its awkward march through the Shanghai Exhibition Center. A few hours later, the digitally manipulated photo of China’s legendary Monkey King facing Tiananmen Gate, by Beijing-based artist Chi Peng, was pulled from the wall, one of several works at the SH Contemporary Art Fair deemed unfit for display by Shanghai’s culture police.


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