Bosnian FM Talks Bosnian (and Serbian) Politics With RFE/RL

Bosnian Minister of Foreign Affairs Zlatko Lagumdzija visited RFE/RL’s broadcast headquarters in Prague on May 15, during an official visit to the Czech Republic. In an interview with Sabina Cabaravdic of RFE/RL’s Balkan Service, Lagumdzija said that he wants Bosnia and Herzegovina to become a “normal country… that does not depend on any kind of politicians or parties, especially not on individuals who promote a segregated society.”

Watch the interview, during which Lagumdzija also discussed ongoing issues related to Bosnia’s government and the then-upcoming presidential elections in neighboring Serbia.

The Balkan Service’s interview with Lagumdzija resonated in the region, where more than 20 media outlets cited Lagumdzija’s remarks including the Bosnian newspaper “Nezavisne novine,” the Serbian newspaper “Blic” and B92 radio in Belgrade.


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