Not Seasonally Adjusted Exhibit 2B: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Stainless Steel Products From Selected Countries and Areas: (Census Basis) Quantity in metric tons/ value in thousands of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding 2006 Data June March Final Final Commodity Grouping Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 88,145 297,070 92,203 293,697 North America 12,002 37,964 12,659 37,664 Canada 2,021 13,304 2,013 12,926 Mexico 9,981 24,660 10,645 24,738 Europe 37,964 136,216 39,627 138,039 European Union 37,563 134,328 39,139 135,930 Austria 523 4,408 490 4,444 Belgium 2,376 9,027 3,298 12,185 Czech Republic 28 334 86 1,307 Finland 1,416 4,111 1,323 3,543 France 3,963 13,705 3,233 12,702 Germany 6,800 22,641 5,760 19,568 Hungary (-) (-) (-) (-) Italy 6,807 23,223 9,631 27,825 Netherlands 13 328 23 177 Poland 12 24 2 6 Spain 2,473 9,310 795 5,078 Sweden 5,117 21,856 6,250 24,072 United Kingdom 7,612 23,982 7,927 24,068 Other EU 423 1,377 323 954 Moldova (-) (-) (-) (-) Norway (-) (-) (-) (-) Russia 41 114 (-) (-) Switzerland 258 1,376 228 1,175 Turkey (-) (-) (-) (-) Ukraine 52 142 222 853 Other Europe 50 257 37 81 Euro Area 24,648 87,661 24,653 85,838 Pacific Rim Countries 29,151 98,691 31,884 97,483 Australia 7 29 36 134 China 12,598 33,153 14,711 35,247 Indonesia 74 250 113 399 Japan 3,150 11,969 3,325 13,853 Newly Industrialized Countries(NICS) 13,171 52,848 13,473 47,216 Hong Kong 34 140 36 176 Korea 3,206 11,523 3,838 12,609 Singapore 67 202 110 344 Taiwan 9,864 40,983 9,490 34,087 Other Pacific Rim 151 441 227 634 South/Central America 2,203 6,454 1,613 4,087 Argentina (-) (-) (-) (-) Brazil 2,180 6,434 1,610 4,070 Chile (-) (-) (-) (-) Colombia 23 20 3 17 Venezuela (-) (-) (-) (-) Other S/C A (-) (-) (-) (-) Other Countries 6,824 17,745 6,421 16,424 Egypt (-) (-) (-) (-) India 3,218 9,337 3,192 9,504 South Africa 3,261 7,474 2,337 4,950 Thailand 154 474 540 1,085 Other 190 461 351 884 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 Data June March Final Final Commodity Grouping Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 74,884 265,918 72,762 265,480 North America 11,451 35,895 13,155 37,954 Canada 1,582 9,861 1,949 11,503 Mexico 9,869 26,034 11,206 26,452 Europe 35,793 134,031 34,037 133,033 European Union 35,277 131,953 33,367 130,234 Austria 819 4,040 749 3,848 Belgium 2,168 9,241 2,152 8,028 Czech Republic 9 35 64 330 Finland 1,307 4,366 1,070 3,330 France 2,502 11,421 2,477 11,946 Germany 6,906 21,567 2,105 11,064 Hungary 3 7 (-) (-) Italy 5,716 19,646 5,249 20,788 Netherlands 16 95 45 305 Poland 22 82 (-) (-) Spain 1,381 8,214 5,586 19,549 Sweden 5,356 23,921 6,207 27,375 United Kingdom 8,290 26,719 7,100 21,699 Other EU 784 2,599 562 1,972 Moldova (-) (-) (-) (-) Norway 20 65 1 20 Russia 1 6 (-) (-) Switzerland 270 1,239 332 1,705 Turkey (-) 5 (-) (-) Ukraine 225 763 337 1,074 Other Europe (-) (-) (-) (-) Euro Area 21,051 79,507 19,624 79,569 Pacific Rim Countries 22,097 79,246 18,790 74,175 Australia 65 309 9 52 China 8,364 24,470 5,095 16,480 Indonesia 75 283 138 400 Japan 2,093 13,203 3,553 21,352 Newly Industrialized Countries(NICS) 11,128 39,607 9,648 34,592 Hong Kong 40 131 67 237 Korea 4,267 14,898 2,651 9,959 Singapore 135 466 191 634 Taiwan 6,685 24,112 6,738 23,762 Other Pacific Rim 373 1,374 348 1,299 South/Central America 1,370 3,963 1,882 5,468 Argentina (-) (-) 1 7 Brazil 1,370 3,963 1,802 5,409 Chile (-) (-) (-) (-) Colombia (-) (-) (-) (-) Venezuela (-) (-) (-) (-) Other S/C A (-) (-) 79 52 Other Countries 4,173 12,784 4,899 14,850 Egypt (-) (-) (-) (-) India 2,245 7,396 3,646 11,680 South Africa 1,060 2,842 486 1,083 Thailand 590 1,783 631 1,705 Other 278 763 135 382 -------------------------------------------------------------- June Cumulative to Date 2006 Final 2005 Final Commodity Grouping Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 482,371 1,574,610 468,029 1,577,644 North America 74,494 226,439 67,170 194,418 Canada 12,202 77,680 11,033 62,353 Mexico 62,292 148,759 56,138 132,064 Europe 204,936 737,392 237,330 835,093 European Union 202,756 726,040 233,567 819,837 Austria 3,670 26,779 4,389 20,523 Belgium 15,273 53,820 20,149 74,641 Czech Republic 1,115 10,619 291 2,350 Finland 8,820 23,725 7,455 24,385 France 20,356 81,997 16,369 70,852 Germany 27,299 101,889 27,569 92,807 Hungary (-) (-) 3 7 Italy 43,390 134,063 46,468 151,703 Netherlands 186 1,321 141 1,039 Poland 87 244 138 415 Spain 6,592 33,547 26,289 87,663 Sweden 30,878 125,472 34,505 143,350 United Kingdom 42,885 125,853 46,752 139,882 Other EU 2,205 6,712 3,049 10,220 Moldova (-) (-) (-) (-) Norway 5 101 40 186 Russia 41 114 15 26 Switzerland 1,404 8,318 1,767 8,834 Turkey (-) (-) 141 453 Ukraine 511 2,047 1,626 5,219 Other Europe 217 772 173 539 Euro Area 126,312 459,666 149,693 526,970 Pacific Rim Countries 154,648 486,367 120,477 428,599 Australia 97 433 225 876 China 61,952 158,203 40,725 127,883 Indonesia 480 1,811 544 1,668 Japan 18,084 79,291 17,281 85,630 Newly Industrialized Countries(NICS) 72,764 242,839 59,780 205,947 Hong Kong 260 1,134 357 1,268 Korea 18,897 65,048 20,960 72,051 Singapore 589 1,884 643 2,131 Taiwan 53,017 174,772 37,820 130,496 Other Pacific Rim 1,271 3,791 1,922 6,595 South/Central America 12,573 31,438 12,002 30,401 Argentina 9 143 5 24 Brazil 12,537 31,197 11,512 30,012 Chile (-) (-) (-) (-) Colombia 27 98 (-) (-) Venezuela (-) (-) (-) (-) Other S/C A (-) (-) 485 365 Other Countries 35,720 92,973 31,050 89,133 Egypt (-) (-) (-) (-) India 18,698 55,197 19,264 58,822 South Africa 13,580 29,075 7,687 19,276 Thailand 1,728 4,559 3,044 8,219 Other 1,713 4,142 1,056 2,816 SOURCE: Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products: Final June 2006. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Vanessa Ware (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.