Health Care for the Homeless

The purpose of the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is to provide primary health care, substance abuse, emergency care with referrals to hospitals for in-patient care services and/or other needed services, and outreach services to assist difficult-to-reach homeless persons in accessing care, and provide assistance in establishing eligibility for entitlement programs and housing.

The HCH program operates within guidelines for the Health Center  program. Eligible grant recipients include private nonprofit and public entities. Eligible recipients of services include persons who are homeless, as well as those who are living in transitional housing arrangements. Services provided include primary health care, substance abuse, mental health and oral health services; extensive outreach and engagement; extensive case management services; and assistance with accessing public benefits, housing, job training, etc.

View the program website

Learn more about how to access technical assistance

Eligible Applicants:

State and local governments and private and non-profit organization are eligible to apply for funding. 

Eligible Beneficiaries:

HCH is a major source of care for people experiencing homelessness in the United States and serves patients who live on the street, in shelters, or in transitional housing. 

Funding Mechanism:

Funds are administered by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) within the Consolidated Health Center Program.