Community Mental Health Services Block Grant

The Department of Mental Health at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) administers The Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Program provides states flexible funding for the development and support of community-based mental health systems for both adults and children with serious mental illness. One of the specific areas addressed in each state’s Mental Health Plan is the services each state will provide to the population experiencing homelessness. These funds are critical to keep community mental health centers functioning and providing needed resources to individuals experiencing homelessness who also have a mental health disorder.

View the program website

Eligible Applicants:

First level: states, territories, tribes, and the District of Columbia.
Second level: Sub-grants are made to service providers and local organizations.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Low-income individuals including those who are experiencing homelessness who also have a mental health disorder are the primary beneficiaries of community programs funded by this block grant.

Funding Mechanism:

Funding is allocated by formula to states territories and tribes, which then distribute funds to local and non-profit service providers.