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Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

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Discrete vs. Shared: Data, Knowledge, Logic

Text Description is below the image.

Many Partners' applications utilize discrete data, logic and knowledge or rules; most are not integrated across sites—creating islands of information and supporting varying levels of functionality.

Below this sentence is a figure titled "CAS or Web Shell Patient Lookup (EMPI)."

There are three columns. The first is captioned "Application 1" and contains an icon of a computer monitor labeled MGH OE. Below it are a picture of three cogs labeled "Logic," a cloud labeled "Dictionaries and Rules," and a green cylinder labeled "Patient MGH Order Data."

The second column is captioned "Application 2" and contains an icon of a computer monitor labeled BICS OE. Below it are a picture of three cogs labeled "Logic," a cloud labeled "Dictionaries and Rules," and a green cylinder labeled "Patient BICS OE Data."

The third column is captioned "Application 3" and contains an icon of a computer monitors labeled LMR. Below it are a picture of three cogs labeled "Logic," a cloud labeled "Dictionaries and Rules," and a green cylinder labeled "Patient LMR Data."

Below these three columns is a green box that reads, "Enterprise Repository(s) of Patient Data: Allergies, CDR (Labs, Discharge Orders, LMR Notes)."

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