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Where are the Jobs? New York Times Acknowledges What President Obama Won’t: “This is Not What a Recovery is Supposed to Look Like”
Posted by Press Office on October 13, 2010
This morning’s New York Times observes that “[t]his is not what a recovery is supposed to look like....Call it recession or recovery, for tens of millions of Americans, there’s little difference.”  The report lays bare the extent of the recession, and the failure of Washington Democrats to encourage businesses and entrepreneurs to take risks, expand, and begin to hire again.  The Times notes:
At the current rate of job creation, the nation would need nine more years to recapture the jobs lost during the recession. And that doesn’t even account for five million or six million jobs needed in that time to keep pace with an expanding population. Even top Obama officials concede the unemployment rate could climb higher still.

The Democrats’ “summer of recovery” has become the American people’s autumn of discontent.  A visualization of the economic rut in which Washington Democrats have left millions of Americans (more than two million more are jobless since the “stimulus” passed) can be seen in the chart below, which “shows job changes in the most recession compared with previous ones, with the black line representing the current downturn.”  Courtesy of the New York Times’ Economix blog:


Americans, understandably, are upset about the economy and the failure of the Obama Administration to deliver on its promises.  According to an ABC News/Yahoo survey out yesterday, “85 percent of Americans are either angry about the economy or at least dissatisfied with it...That makes economic discontent even higher than anger or dissatisfaction with ‘the way the federal government is working,’ at 71 percent in an ABC News/Washington Post poll last week.”  Yet what is the Democrats’ solution to encourage private-sector job creation?  A nearly $4 trillion tax increase that the Congressional Budget Office says could cost 1.2 million jobs.  

In the wake of last week’s disappointing jobs report, which saw the economy lose 95,000 jobs in the month of September, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) once again called on Democrats to immediately enact the GOP’s Pledge to America to end the job-killing uncertainty plaguing small businesses and allow these job creators to get back to growing their businesses and hiring new workers.  

Boehner noted:
With the Pledge to America, Republicans have offered a clear and positive plan to help end economic uncertainty, create jobs, and make America more competitive.  With the American people asking ‘where are the jobs?,’ Republicans’ blueprint for job creation starts with stopping all of the looming tax hikes and ending Washington’s out-of-control spending spree.  Make no mistake, our economy will ultimately recover, but it will do so because of the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people, not more of the same wasteful Washington spending and job-killing tax hikes and mandates.

The GOP’s Pledge to America includes specific proposals to spur job creation and boost the struggling economy by stopping all the looming tax hikes, cutting spending immediately, reining in red tape, repealing ObamaCare’s job-killing ‘1099 mandate,’ and taking other steps needed to reform the way Washington works.   Republicans are listening to the American people, and will continue fighting to implement the Pledge in its entirety.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Ned Kleinke commented on 10/26/2010
    Ful speed ahead with the Pledge to America. We need job creation now, not new taxes. The repeal of Obamacare also has to be a top priority. We definitely, at the least, must have a new Speaker of the House.
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