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House Committee on Financial Services - Washington, DC

House Committee on Financial Services
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    • OneMore Carol
      You need to read this! Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS) - Discover the Networks
    • Genny Lam
      TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 9-8-2012 It is time for you to inform key leaders in both chambers to help this nation on track by reviewing full HCEC 's documents , special inform Chairman Spencer Bachus for U.S. Strategic Gateway Investment Program ( USSGIP ) A min. 15 Trillion for 100 registered providers , this program is designed to promoting the value of our impact investment for international investors , all private and public institutionals , a new course for USRescedPlan Order without any delay , see detail Official HCEC 's document is dated 6-7-2011 , this is full USRescuedPlan document , a 24 pages signed by HCEC founder as Officila execution , it is recognized USLicensee Authoiryt Role as world leadership to hold this role model , please share Key leaders about 30 million+- students , international students and dependents+children for 50 States , lower cost nation model plans ( model plan A + B ) that HCEC has provided to your office , it is important action you must need to inform key leaders to help this nation on track and execute this document for Licensee progress in more effectively results , to help the debts in fiscal year budget order and move it on , the real record shows since 2004/2005 until today , the US Government has delaying over 7.5 yrs and has add on 8 Trillion more debts for taxpayers , this is full accountability for USHistory Record , as Licensee Role US must hold both Real record for your historic record as well as full performance progress must respect to HCEC about your responsible manner about this unique execution , put politic away , Licensee is demanding for know how and full action cooperations both parties , HCEC needs US show cooperation for nation and people interest as well for Global demand respecting the other part of world in join economic status. Please pass to all . Thank you.HCEC . @gennylam
    • Rodrigo Alejandro Avila Lorca
  2. LikesSee All
  3. Did you know that for every ONE new job in the Obama economy, TEN people simply gave up looking and dropped out of the workforce? During the Obama Administration, the number of people not in the labor force has grown by 8.2 million while total employment has grown by less than 800,000. This means that during the Obama years new workforce dropouts have outnumbered new employees by 10 to 1.