Providing hospitality and a taste of home Food, Restaurant & Lodging

The culinary artists of America’s Navy specialize in providing world-class service and hospitality for Enlisted Sailors and Officers everywhere. In this role you could be preparing breakfast for a flight crew before an important mission. Managing the housing accommodations of Sailors stationed abroad. Or giving servicemembers a taste of home from halfway around the world. Whatever the specific circumstances, you’ll be helping to boost morale while elevating your own professional credentials.

Job Description

As a member of the Navy Food, Restaurant and Lodging community, you’ll help define the quality of everyday life for your fellow servicemembers – from the dining experience to the living arrangements. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to gain experience far beyond what’s typical in the hospitality and food service industry. Here you may:

  • Prepare meals for notable foreign dignitaries and other distinguished guests when visiting other countries
  • Operate living quarters aboard ships and submarines
  • Manage shore-based motel- and hotel-type quarters for servicemembers
  • Serve as a culinary specialist on the Admirals’ staff or for the commanding Officer aboard ship or at a shore station

No college degree is required to become part of the Navy Food, Restaurant and Lodging community. But the training provided in this environment can prepare you to succeed in any service oriented job.

Specific Responsibilities

Find yourself preparing a gourmet feast for leaders of other nations. Gather your crew on the ship’s flight deck for an impromptu barbecue. Present your signature seafood dish to hundreds of dinner event guests. Whether you’re serving those on a ship or submarine, or on shore, your work will be challenging, engaging and appreciated.

Some additional responsibilities include:

  • Organizing menus for crews aboard Navy ships and submarines
  • Preparing dinners for guests of governmental functions
  • Keeping records and financial budgets for food supplies
  • Operating kitchen and dining facilities (galleys)

Work Environment

Cuisine. Collaboration. Culture. This is one place where you can expand upon all of those interests. Assignments can take you anywhere across the globe. Whether working aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific or overseeing the dining facilities of base abroad, your career will be as unique and exciting as it is rewarding.

Training & Advancement

As an Enlisted Sailor in the Food, Restaurant and Lodging community, you will learn many other skills in addition to culinary arts. You’ll take part in both hands-on and classroom training in areas such as nutrition, teamwork, dining and entertainment services. America’s Navy is always in need of detail-minded, people-oriented professionals with a love for the art of cooking. Because of this, your opportunity for placement in this field is exceptional.

Education Opportunities

Your formal and on-the-job training could transfer to college credit hours, which you can use toward an associate or bachelor’s degree. The Navy also offers advanced technical and operational training during the later phases of your career progression.

Pay Range

For members of Navy’s Food, Restaurant and Lodging community, pay is dependent upon rank or rate and years in service. Like all Enlisted positions, your increase in rate is earned. Promotions depend upon your performance and time in service.


No degree is required to become part of the Food, Restaurant and Lodging community in the Navy.

After the Navy

Culinary arts are not only one of the most specialized skill sets in the world, but also one of the most in-demand. Learning these traits, along with several others in the restaurant and lodging field, will provide you with the training you can take with you anywhere around the globe – whether within the military or civilian sector. Career opportunities after your service range anywhere from becoming a restaurant manager or owner, hotel or nightclub manager, chef, caterer, cook, lodging facilities manager, banquet planner, and more.

Consider Your Service Options.

There are different ways that you can commit to serve in America's Navy. Besides full-time opportunities in Active Duty, part-time Reserve positions are also available in this career area.