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News > Commentary - Importance of 'Flag Day'
Importance of 'Flag Day'

Posted 6/14/2012 Email story   Print story


Commentary by Retired Chief Master Sgt. Scott Hubbartt
51st Fighter Wing

6/14/2012 - OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea (AFNS) -- Each year, Americans can enjoy four special days set aside specifically to honor our veterans and comrades in arms. Sadly, too many of us often overlook these opportunities to pay our respect and recognize the sacrifice and service of these individuals. These four days are intended to, in some small way, express the sentiments of a grateful nation. So what does it say of us when we forget, overlook, or simply brush aside the opportunity to honor the best among us?

I understand that today our lives are more complicated and busier than ever. We have so much going on in our lives these days; school getting out, visiting relatives, graduations, and any number of other competing priorities. I hope each of us were able to honor all our heroes last November on Veteran's Day. But what about the other days?

It's perhaps easy to seek and find forgiveness for not making it out to a veteran's cemetery last Memorial Day Monday. After all, who of us is not grateful for a day off or for a chance to sleep in, fire up the grill, catch a new summer blockbuster, and recharge our batteries?

Beginning during the Civil War, and originally called Decoration Day, this special day, now called Memorial Day, was set aside to recognize the nation's war dead by decorating their graves. In nearly every community in America you can find, in small and large cemeteries, the final resting place of our veterans. Additionally there are over 120 national cemeteries as well as at least 80 state and territorial veteran's cemeteries. Somewhere near each of us rests a veteran hero who answered the call and paid the ultimate price. So, I ask you, how difficult is it really to pack up the kids and drive out to the local cemetery and pay our respect? Perhaps you did just that last Monday, and if you did I thank you. If not, do so soon. Our fallen brethren won't mind a bit if you visit their marker any day of the year.

And what about Armed Forces Day? Who even knows what that is all about anyway? In 1950, President Harry S. Truman spearheaded efforts to set aside a single holiday when Americans could gather and collectively thank our military personnel for their service to the nation. Okay. I'll grant that there is a generous outpouring of support and gratitude from most Americans that range from hanging yellow ribbons to bumper stickers and welcome home parades for returning troops. I understand.

Then there is that fourth special day, June 14th, set aside to honor another veteran - a faithful comrade who has accompanied each of us - every service member before us, to battlefields and stations in virtually every corner of the globe. For more than two centuries this veteran has always been there with us - always faithful and this vet is always ready for a parade. Our friend was there out at the cemetery last Monday when we were too busy. Not to fret, he was present and accounted for standing tall on Armed Forces Day as well. In fact our friend is always there, and in fact, often overlooked and taken for granted.

Of course I am speaking of Old Glory, our flag. Always faithful and decked out in full glorious parade dress uniform! Our friend has guided and comforted countless numbers of our comrades in arms through the best and the worst of times. No doubt each of us can recall an example of our friend being present which might evoke strong emotions in each of us - perhaps in a parade, at a funeral for a loved one, on the battlefield, on the tail of a plane, or over an embassy in a foreign land. Our friend is always there and loves to be on parade! So, I ask you, on June 14, on Flag Day, hoist Old Glory up, salute, and give our good friend the respect and recognition he deserves.

6/25/2012 12:34:43 PM ET
This is good and he is correct. You can 90 percent be correct when you see a flag flying in a neighborhood the owner has probably served his great nation at some time in their lives. Unlike allot of Americans they know first hand what a Blessing it is to have the Freedom allot take for granted. However when the chips are down no one could ever over power us and our Great Nation we would fight until the last breath is drawn and most of our foreign powers know that fact. The Japan Navial Admiral said I fear we have woken the giant rather then defeated his Navy or pretty close to those words and they were true.
SNCO Ret, Ohio
6/20/2012 5:50:24 PM ET
19 years, 6 PCS, 9 homes, 3 kids, 9 Schools...100's of BBQs parties sleepovers and celebrations. All of them welcomed at my front door with Old Glory flying proudly at the entrance. My family and i are the only Military on our block and my neighbors do not display the flag but mine flies 24 hour a day illuminated at night by two solar lights. I wish i could see the flags flying from every home such as after 9-11 but that is sadly not going to happen. On the up side...its easy when giving directions...It's the one with the flag.
Almost Retired, San Antonio
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