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Session 5 - International Perspective - 2010 Cyber Symposium

This item is related to: 2010 Cyberspace Symposium
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Mr. Robert Butler, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber and Space Policy OFfice of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)

Mr. Peter C.W. Flory, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment (NATO)

RADM Ryuzo Sakata, Director, C4 Systems Department Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force Joint Staff, Ministry of Defense

Brigadier David Meyer, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Head of J6, United Kingdom

Mr. Philippe Wolf, Adviser of the Central Director, National Agency of Information Systems Security (ANSII), France.

"Ensuring Commanders' Freedom of Action in Cyberspace" was the theme for this year's USSTRATCOM Cyberspace Symposium. This was the second cyberspace forum, held at the Omaha Qwest Center, Omaha, Neb. The event provided an exciting venue for information exchange among leaders in Cyberspace. Sessions included perspectives of senior Department of Defense, U.S. and Allied government, industry, and academia speakers.
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