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The Women's Health Research News Service specializes in content and resources on the latest research findings on sex differences. The articles cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from Parkinson’s disease to skin cancer to AIDS.

This week's articleWhooping Cough Resurges (August 20, 2009)

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About the Author: Jennifer Wider, M.D.
Jennifer Wider graduated from Princeton University in 1994 with B.A. in the humanities. She received her medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1999. During medical school, she interned at a CBS local news affiliate and 20/20 in New York City. Jennifer worked as a senior editor at Medscape/CBS HealthWatch out of medical school. She has had many publications in newspapers, magazines and websites across the country and has been a guest on CBS News, National Public Radio and various cable channels. Jennifer was formerly the managing editor of the health channel at and currently reports on health and medical issues for the Society for Women's Health Research.

The Society is pleased to serve as a resource on sex differences in health and would appreciate any suggestions you have to offer. Let us know if the News Service format is helpful, and what types of topics you would like to see covered. Contact Karen Young, SWHR communications and events manager, with feedback or questions at (202) 496-5001 or

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