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Panel 3 - Can Deterrence Be Maintained On The Path To Zero? - 2010 Deterrence Symposium

This item is related to: 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium
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Dr. Charles Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists

Ambassador Richard Burt, Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates
Dr. John S. Foster, Independent Consultant
Dr. Keith Payne, Professor and Head, Graduate Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Missouri State University
Dr. Morton Halperin, Senior Advisor, Open Soceity Institute

The 2010 United States Strategic Command Deterrence Symposium, held Aug. 11, 2010, at the Qwest Center, Omaha, Neb. This annual symposium, brought together academic, government, military and international experts with the goal of exploring a broad range of deterrence issues during a single event. "Exploring the Many Facets of Deterrence " is the theme for the 2010 symposium.
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