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Archive for the ‘DOCLINE’ Category

DOCLINE: Borrow and Lend (the 4th of 4 weekly classes)

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012


James Honour, Member Services Coordinator, NN/LM MCR

Michelle Burda, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

Date:  September 25, 2012 / 1 – 2 pm (ET)

Location:  Free, Online:

Description:  You must be a DOCLINE user with access to DOCLINE to take the class.  The hands-on part of the class requires attendees to log into their DOCLINE account to complete the exercises.  (1 MLA CE credit)

  1. Beforehand, test your connection to ensure Adobe Connect will run on your computer: (NOTE: Only use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  2. Log-in at and allow Adobe Connect to call your phone.
  3. If you’re unable to connect online, then join us by phone:  1-866-519-2800, Participant Code:  848754.

DOCLINE: Routing Tables (the 3rd of 4 weekly classes)

Friday, September 14th, 2012


James Honour, Member Services Coordinator, NN/LM MCR

Michelle Burda, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

Date:  September 19, 2012 / 1 – 2 pm (ET)

Location:  Free, Online:

Description:  You must be a DOCLINE user with access to DOCLINE to take the class.  The hands-on part of the class requires attendees to log into their DOCLINE account to complete the exercises.  (1 MLA CE credit)

  1. Beforehand, test your connection to ensure Adobe Connect will run on your computer: (NOTE: Only use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  2. Log-in at and allow Adobe Connect to call your phone.
  3. If you’re unable to connect online, then join us by phone:  1-866-519-2800, Participant Code:  848754.

DOCLINE: Serial Holdings (the 2nd of 4 weekly classes)

Friday, September 7th, 2012


James Honour, Member Services Coordinator, NN/LM MCR

Michelle Burda, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

Date:  September 12, 2012 / 1 – 2 pm (ET)

Location:  Free, Online:

Description:  You must be a DOCLINE user with access to DOCLINE to take the class.  The hands-on part of the class requires attendees to log into their DOCLINE account to complete the exercises.  (1 MLA CE credit)

  1. Beforehand, test your connection to ensure Adobe Connect will run on your computer: (NOTE: Only use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  2. Log-in at and allow Adobe Connect to call your phone.
  3. If you’re unable to connect online, then join us by phone:  1-866-519-2800, Participant Code:  848754.

Beginning DOCLINE (the 1st of 4 weekly classes)

Friday, August 31st, 2012


James Honour, Member Services Coordinator, NN/LM MCR

Michelle Burda, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

Date:  September 5, 2012 / 1 – 2 pm (ET)

Location:  Free, Online:

Description:  You must be a DOCLINE user with access to DOCLINE to take the class.  The hands-on part of the class requires attendees to log into their DOCLINE account to complete the exercises.  (1 MLA CE credit)

  1. Beforehand, test your connection to ensure Adobe Connect will run on your computer: (NOTE: Only use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  2. Log-in at and allow Adobe Connect to call your phone.

If you’re unable to connect online, then join us by phone:  1-866-519-2800, Participant Code:  848754.

MAR Funding Available for 2012-2013

Monday, February 20th, 2012

We are pleased to announce NN/LM MAR funding has been posted for the 2012-2013 contract year.  This funding is for projects beginning May 1, 2012.  Application deadline is April 1, 2012.

Receiving funding is a great way to provide outreach, create new or expand existing services, and get recognized within your institution or community.  We encourage all Network members to review these opportunities and consider applying!

Details are available at:

National Network of Libraries of Medicine
Middle Atlantic Region

Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh
200 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Advancing the progress of medicine and improving the public health
through access to health information:

Network and Advocacy Coordinator Position Available

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

The University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) seeks applications for the position of Network and Advocacy Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM-MAR).

Responsibilities of the Network and Advocacy Coordinator include planning Network member programs to support advocacy and changing roles for the information professional; coordinating outreach activities to hospital librarians; managing the Region’s Membership and DOCLINE program; and providing training and support of DOCLINE, DOCLINE Serial Holdings, EFTS, and LinkOut.  To view complete job description, see:


DOCLINE 4.6 webinars

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

The DOCLINE Team will be hosting a webinar to highlight the changes to Loansome Doc Transfer and Resubmit introduced in DOCLINE 4.6. We will present an overview of the features in a live demonstration and conclude with a Q & A session. Come see What’s New in DOCLINE presented by a member of the DOCLINE Team.

There will be two sessions of the What’s New in DOCLINE 4.6 webinar – each session will present the same information.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 from 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time


Monday, August 1, 2011 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern Time

There is no need to register. We will start promptly at the top of the hour. You can login up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.

Once connected to the webinar, teleconference instructions will be provided.

To access the webinar, go to the following web address:

You are encouraged to test your connection prior to joining the webinar. To test your connection, go to: (Note: If you see a certificate error warning when accessing the page, it is OK to proceed to Adobe website)

If you are unable to attend the sessions, information about DOCLINE 4.6 can be obtained at one of the resources below:

Release Notes:

Weekly DOCLINE training classes:

Your Regional Medical Library or CISTI is available for training or user assistance:

If you have any questions, please contact NLM via the Contact Us link in DOCLINE.


- Maria

DOCLINE Customer Service

National Library of Medicine

US: 1-888-FINDNLM (press 3, then press 1)

Intl: 301-594-5983 (press 3, then press 1)

DOCLINE class recordings available

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Recordings of recent DOCLINE online classes are now available for you to review at your leisure. Just click the class name below to start the recorded session.

DOCLINE Borrowing and Lending
Audience: Information Professionals
Description: This beginners-level course will teach DOCLINE users the basics of placing borrowing and lending requests in DOCLINE. The course will also cover updating the Institution record.

DOCLINE Routing Tables and Reports
Audience: Information Professionals
Description: This course will teach attendees the basics of DOCLINE routing and reports. Topics covered will include DOCLINE routing table best practices, constructing and updating a routing table, and becoming familiar with DOCLINE reports.

DOCLINE Serial Holdings
Audience: Information Professionals
Description: This course will focus on the Serial Holdings feature of DOCLINE. Attendees will learn how to add new titles and formats to their library’s record, search DOCLINE for other library’s holdings, and utilize the Serial Holdings reporting functions to make the most of this unique component of DOCLINE.

MARdelivery update

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

MAR members are still welcome to sign up for MARdelivery, a free service that enables libraries to email links to electronic ILL articles, rather than sending borrowers bulky email attachments.  MARdelivery also allows for easy resends and customizable email notifications.

To join the more than 40 MAR libraries already using this service, please visit

Already using MARdelivery?  We’d love to hear from you!  Please contact MAR Network Services Coordinator Neil Romanosky with your comments and ideas for enhancements:

DOCLINE Routing Table Tips

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

There has been a lively discussion on the DOCLINE-L listserv as of late regarding the placement of library group codes within DOCLINE routing tables.  As a reminder, codes for large DOCLINE groups, such as FreeShare and BHSL, should be placed towards the middle of your routing table (cells 4-6) in their own cell, if possible. You can place individual LIBIDs of libraries from these groups in earlier cells.

Here are some other DOCLINE routing table tips:

  • Remove libraries marked “Closed” and “Not a DOCLINE Library” from your table.
  • Use the DOCLINE Institution search to find libraries in your state and region that belong to groups such as FreeShare and BHSL, if you are also a member, and consider placing them in your earlier cells (1-3).
  • Place larger (than yours) libraries and resource libraries in higher cells (6-9).
  • Run DOCLINE report 1-7, “Library Routing Table and M/A/N Map cells containing my LIBID,” periodically to see who has you in their routing table, and in which cell.  You can consider adding them to the same cell in yours to help balance the load.
  • If you feel a library is unduly taxing your library’s ILL service, give them a call.  They may not be aware of the imbalance, or simply may not know how to change their routing table.

As always, please feel free to contact your regional DOCLINE coordinator in the MAR, Neil Romanosky, with your questions, training needs, or for assistance in working with another DOCLINE library:  212-263-4118.

Routing table help is also available through the DOCLINE FAQs.