2003-2004 Archive Volcano Hazards Team Seminar Series

SPEAKER (affiliation)
August 2003
7 August Steve Self (Open University, UK) A new look at the atmospheric effects of volcanic eruptions
September 2003
30 September Ward Sanford (USGS-Reston) Hydrologic research at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
October 2003
7 October Carol Finn (USGS-Denver) Hunting volcanic weakness: aerogeophysical measurements of collapse-prone hydrothermally altered rocks at Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams, WA
14 October Phil Gans (U.C. Santa Barbara) Neogene evolution of the Costa Rica arc
21 October Jonathan Castro (Oberlin College) Natural and experimental observations on ascent-driven crystallization in the Inyo Domes rhyolite
28 October Chuck Wicks (USGS-Menlo Park) A look at stress transfer and seismic hazards associated with the uplift events at Yellowstone and Three Sisters
November 2003
21 November Wendy Bohrson (Central Washington U.) The dynamics of the historical Mt. Etna magma plumbing system
25 November Maureen Feineman (U.C. Berkeley) Is 226Ra/230Th disequilibrium really an indicator of magma transport and storage time?: A cautionary tale
December 2003
2 December David John (USGS-Menlo Park) Hydrothermal alteration on active Cascades volcanoes: applications to volcanic hazards
January 2004
6 January Bernard Chouet (USGS-Menlo Park) Volcano seismology: Insights into the conduit geometries and dynamics of the active magmatic systems of Stromboli, Popocatepetl and Kilauea
13 January Peggy Hellweg (U.C. Berkeley) A warning bell? Tornillo events at Galeras Volcano, Colombia
20 January Andy Calvert, Tom Sisson, Charlie Bacon (USGS-Menlo Park) Mount Veniaminof, a huge Alaska basalt-to-dacite volcano
27 January Jon Major (USGS-CVO) Watershed recovery following the cataclysmic 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption--are we there yet?
29 January Yishai Weinstein (Bar Ilan U. Israel) Arabian basalts and lithospheric processes
February 2004
3 February Bob Miller (San Jose State U.) Ascent and Emplacement of Arc Magmas in the Mid- and Deep Crust: Insights from the North Cascades and Sierra Nevada
24 February Jonathan Glen (USGS-Menlo Park) Rifting, magmatism, and mineralization associated with inception of the Yellowstone Hotspot
March 2004
2 March Sam Johnson (USGS–Santa Cruz) Hydrothermal and tectonic activity in northern Yellowstone Lake
9 March Julie Donnelly-Nolan (USGS-Menlo Park) What's new at Newberry Volcano, Oregon - a preliminary description of new geologic work
16 March Randy White (USGS-Menlo Park) Overview of the 2003 Anatahan Eruption and USGS plans for the Northern Mariana Islands (a US Commonwealth)
23 March Larry Mastin (USGS-CVO) Assessing the consequences of a volcanic eruption through the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository
30 March Axel Schmitt (UCLA) Intrusive history of the Geysers plutonic complex: insights from U-Pb zircon geochronology
April 2004
6 April Spring Break No seminar
13 April Frank Ramos (UC Santa Cruz) Mantle Sources and Process Generating Recent Volcanism in the Western US: Insights from Th Isotopes
20 April Dawnika Blatter (UC Berkeley) Comparison of spatial distribution and chemical characteristics of Quaternary volcanism from the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field and the Zitacuaro-Valle de Bravo Region, Central Mexico: Evidence for a basement terrane boundary
27 April Keith Putirka (Cal State - Fresno) A cross section of magma plumbing system at the Springerville Volcanic field (east-central AZ): conjectures based on mineral-melt thermobarometers
May 2004
4 May Jim Vallance (USGS-CVO) Holocene volcanism and downstream response at Mount Rainier
13 May Jackie Caplan-Auerbach (USGS-AVO) Repeating long-period and coupled earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska
18 May Dave Schneider (USGS-AVO) Satellite observations of explosive volcanic eruptions: recent examples from the North Pacifics
25 May Roger Denlinger (USGS-CVO) Robust computation of unsteady flows of water or debris over mountainous terrain


Seminar coordinators: Shaul Hurwitz, Michelle Coombs, Andy Calvert