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Microscopy and Microanalysis Related NIST Software

NIST DTSA-II is software for quantifying and simulating electron probe microanalysis spectra.

DTSA-II is inspired by the original DTSA developed by Fiori, Mykelbust and Swyte. While the original DTSA is only available for the old Mac OS 8 & 9, DTSA-II is available for OS X, Linux, Windows and any other OS with Java 1.6 support. Full source code is available.

Lispix is an image analysis program for the Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Lispix, and its predecessor are freeware image analysis packages written in Lisp by Dave Bright at NIST.

Features of Lispix include RGB color overlays, real image arithmetic, two dimensional histograms, averaged scan lines, data cubes, image registration, stereo movies, linear Hough transform, FFT, simultaneous zoom and scroll with navigator, measurements and statistics on groups of images.

LFPF is software for estimating the position, width and asymmetry of the interface between dissimilar materials

LFPF is written by William H. Kirchhoff. The Logistic Function Profile Fitting program is based on a Fortran program written for DOS and originally issued under the name LOGIT. This program was successfully used to fit Auger sputter-depth-profile data [W. H. Kirchhoff, G. P. Chambers, and J. Fine, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 4, 1666 (1986)]. This approach and the associated software were applied in a number of laboratories, and formed the basis for an ASTM standard [E 1636-04: Standard Practice for Analytically Describing Sputter-Depth-Profile Data by an Extended Logistic Function]. The logistic function (although not the specific LOGIT or LFPF software) has also been used to describe Auger linescans [S. A. Wight and C. J. Powell, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 24, 1024 (2006)].

NISTMonte is a platform for modeling electron and x-ray transport

The functionality in NISTMonte has been subsumed into DTSA-II. New users are suggested to use DTSA-II for electron and x-ray transport simulation.

NISTMonte is a full-featured Monte Carlo simulation of electron and x-ray transport in complex 3D sample geometries. NISTMonte provides a flexible script-based interface which permits complex multi-material sample geometries and multiple detection schemes including spectrum generation. NISTMonte is written in Java and can run on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Apple OSX and any other Java 5 supported platform. Source code is provided.

CITZAF GUI is a simple, user-friendly program for performing x-ray microanalysis corrections for Windows platforms

Developed at NIST by Daniel Davis, the CITZAF GUI is a significant step forward for running ZAF corrections. Based off of the CITZAF developed by Dr. John T. Armstrong, this program provides a slew of corrections methods and other customizations for easy and accurate analysis of data.

Desktop Spectrum Analyzer is an X-ray data analysis program for the Macintosh platform only.

The NIST/NIH Desktop Spectrum Analyzer (DTSA) is a freeware program that generates, interprets and analyzes x-ray spectra from specimens under electron bombardment. This software/database package simulates the experimental environment and emulates specimen properties to generate spectra reflecting the relevant physics, chemistry and statistics of a real world application. DTSA incorporates many widely accepted x-ray data analysis procedures including those developed over many years at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD.

TRYZAF by John Armstrong for Windows and DOS

TRYZAF is a freeware experimental design/analysis program that shows the magnitude and variability of the corrections to electron microbeam analysis data produced by the various, currently-used physical models and parameters account for the differences in x-ray production (Z), absorption (A) and fluorescence (F) between sample and standard. TRYZAF provides a simple and effective way to estimate the magnitude of error in compositional analyses due to uncertainties in the correction procedures. The current version of TRYZAF is designed for use with binary alloys. It displays corrections for the first two elements entered and assumes pure element standards..

Monte Carlo programs developed at NIST.

Follow the directory tree down to the Macintosh or PC program type to download by FTP in your browser.


"This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees
of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of
the United States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public
domain. Each of these packages is an experimental system. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its
use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability,
or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. This software
can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative works bear some notice
that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that they have been

Last Updated November 28, 2008

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