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11/3/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Remarks on Space Policy
Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn, III
11/3/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 8: Current/Future Operations and Collaboration Efforts
Col Andre Dupuis
11/3/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 10: Building Robust Commercial Space Industries
Moderator: Mr. Joseph Rouge
11/3/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 9: Opportunities to Expand International Collaboration - Moving Forward Together in Partnership
Moderator: Maj. Gen. Edward Bolton, Jr.
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Keynote
Frank A. Rose
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 3: Space Situational Awareness - Debris Management and Mitigation Strategies
Moderator: Mr. Nicholas Johnson
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 4: Keynote Address: Delivering Assured Combat Power to the Joint Fight
Lt. Gen. Larry James
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 6: Delivering On-Time Capability to the Fight
Moderator: Mr. Gil Klinger
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Session 7: Modeling and Simulations For Operational Training and Analysis
Moderator: Dr. Mark Gallagher
11/2/2010 2010 Space Symposium - Opening Remarks
General Kevin P. Chilton
9/23/2010 House Armed Services Subcommittee, Cyberspace Operations Testimony
General Keith Alexander
9/13/2010 "Strategic Command and Nuclear Deterrence" at the National Defense University Foundation / National Defense Industrial Association
General Kevin P. Chilton
9/13/2010 "Challenges to Nuclear Deterrence" Air & Space Conference
General Kevin P. Chilton
8/12/2010 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium - Perspectives on Deterrence
Kontra-Admiral Mikhail Chekmasov Mikhail Victoravic Chekmasov, Deputy Commander, General Staff, Main Operations Department
8/12/2010 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium - Panel 5 - "21st Century Security Environment and Implications for Deterrence"
Moderator: Dr. Brad Roberts, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy; Panelists: Dr. Sergei Rogov, Director, Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Mr. Dean Cheng, Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation; Mr. Ian Wallace, Counsellor, Defence Policy and Nuclear, British Embassy, Washington, D.C.; Mr. Michael Elliot, SES, Deputy Director, Plans and Policy, U.S. Strategic Comman
8/11/2010 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium - Panel 2 "Missile Defense: What is its Effect on Deterrence?"
Dr. Steven E. Miller, Director, International Security Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly, Director, U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Mr. Avi Schnurr, Executive Director, Israeli Missile Defense Agency, Brigadier General Emmanuel de Romemont, France Strategic Affairs
8/11/2010 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium - Opening Remarks
General Kevin P. Chilton
8/11/2010 2010 Strategic Deterrence Symposium - Keynote By Dr. James Schlesinger
Dr. James Schlesinger, Chairman of the Board, The MITRE Corporation
7/20/2010 Senate Armed Services Subcommittee - Hearing On New START Implementation
General Kevin P. Chilton
5/27/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - Interagency Perspective
The Honorable Howard Schmidt
5/27/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - Way Ahead For Critical Infrastructure Protection
The Honorable Greg Schaffer
5/27/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - The Industry Perspective
Col. Tom Gilbert, USAF, Mr. Daniel R. Hesse
5/26/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - USSTRATCOM Perspective
General Kevin P. Chilton
5/26/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - Opening Remarks
Col. Tom Gilbert, USAF, LTG John A. Dubia, USA (Ret.), The Honorable Dave Heineman
5/26/2010 2010 Cyberspace Symposium: Keynote - DoD Perspective
General Kevin P. Chilton, The Honorable William J. Lynn, III
4/14/2010 House Armed Services Subcommittee regarding Nuclear Weapons Policy and Force Structure
General Kevin P. Chilton
4/6/2010 Background Briefing on the Nuclear Posture Review from the Pentagon
A Senior Defense Department Official
4/6/2010 Special Briefing on New Nuclear Posture Review from the Pentagon
PDUSD for Policy Jim Miller; JCS Vice Chairman Marine Corp General James Cartwright; Administrator National Nuclear Security Administration Thomas D'Agostino; UnderSecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher
4/6/2010 DOD News Briefing with Secretary Gates, Navy Adm. Mullen, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Chu from the Pentagon
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
3/26/2010 SASC Hearing with Gen Chilton on 2011 Budget Requests
General Kevin P. Chilton
3/16/2010 House Armed Services Subcommittee, Strategic Forces Subcommittee Testimony
General Kevin P. Chilton
1/27/2010 5th Ilan Ramon Annual International Space Conference
General Kevin P. Chilton
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