NIST Physical Measurements Laboratory LLNL V-Division LLNL

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FLYCHK provides a capability to generate atomic level populations and charge state distributions for low-Z to mid-Z elements under NLTE conditions.
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Reference: High Energy Density Physics v.1, p.3 (2005)
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>>>> The latest version of Firefox (Windows) seems to confict with Java codes which may affect plotting in FLYCHK. The Linux version as well as Internet Explorer were found to work well (Apr 24, 2009).

>>>> As of March 2009, the FLYCHK code utilizes more accurate sets of auto-ionization rates, collisional excitation cross-sections and photoionization cross-sections for super-configuration levels, that is for ions with more than 3 electrons. Users may find a noticeable change in average charge states for M-shell or N-shell ions of high Z atoms. Though the new version has been thoroughly tested to our capacity, the authors would be greatly thankful for a feedback on any potential errors in the code.


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  FLYCHK at NIST is developed and managed by H.-K. Chung, M. Chen and R. W. Lee at LLNL and Yu. Ralchenko at NIST. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7406-Eng-48 (H.-K.C., M.C., and R.W.L.) and the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy (Yu.R.).


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  Online: August 2006 - Last update: February 2007