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Administers and conducts Total Force support operations across the A1 enterprise. Operations include organizational design and development, manpower programming and allocation; workforce planning and requirements; force management to include assignment, classification, and education and training; performance management for both individuals and organizations; program management including finance, budgeting and Airman support and force readiness.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Formulate force support plans and programs and develop policy to guide their implementation and execution. Translates program policy into directives, publications, and training manuals. Participate in total force adaptive planning and execution in support of combatant commanders from peacetime through mobilization, contingency operations and demobilization. Access manpower, personnel, and equipment availability for UTC posturing and management. Develop, control, program and allocate manpower resources in support of the Air Force planning, programming, budgeting and execution process. Analyze and determine force composition. Determine total force manpower requirements across the spectrum of Air Force capabilities. Employ industrial and management engineering methodologies to develop manpower determinants and standards. Manage allocation of military and civilian resources through execution and management of the UMD. Conduct management advisory studies. Develop, test, evaluate, and maintain Air Force recognized organization structure. Analyze and process organization change actions to activate, inactivate, redesignate, and reorganize unit structures. Administer Air Force performance management and productivity programs. Assess and document organizational performance. Advise on process improvement, best practices and recognizes optimal performance. Oversee and conduct strategic sourcing studies. Develop and execute the full spectrum of total force personnel programs to accomplish accession planning and processing, classification and utilization, promotion, recognition, evaluation, reenlistment, assignment action, retraining, retirement, disciplinary, force development and force shaping programs. Establish Air Force education and training policy requirements. Manage programs to include developmental education, voluntary education, advanced academic education, promotion testing, and libraries. Manages equal opportunity and sexual assault prevention and response programs. Assess and advise commanders at all levels on the human relations environment. Provide counseling, education, and complaint processing. Leads and supervises contingency training and operations with an emphasis on specific capabilities and processes focused on expeditionary organizations and command relationships, feeding operations, lodgment of forces, mortuary affairs, casualty reporting, force accountability, fitness, recreation, learning resource centers, protocol, and NAF resale operations for both peace and wartime operations. Develop and administer fitness programs designed to regenerate the Total Force. Develop recreational programs to include sports management, tournaments, and special entertainment designed to regenerate the Total Force, Lead Quality of Service programs and business operations. Establish and maintain sound APF & NAF financial and corporate standards with internal controls. Establish short- and long-range plans to include growth and facility/equipment improvement and/or replacement. Develop, administer, and monitor Airman and Family Programs ensuring compliance with policies and standards. Institute customer service practices designed to meet the needs of commanders, supervisors and the force at large in peacetime and wartime operations.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge of the following core competencies is mandatory: Force Development, Career Development, Force Management, Civilian Employee Management, Requirements Determination, Organization Principles, Performance Management, Manpower Resource Allocation, Customer Support, Readiness, Food Operations, Fitness Operations, Lodging Operations, Recreation, Protocol, Resource Management, Mortuary Affairs, Casualty, SAPR, EO, and Quality of Service Programs.