AUSA Family Programs 

10/31/2012 12:00 AM 

AUSA's Family Programs Directorate is dedicated to providing Army families the assistance they need to help them manage the challenges of military life. Through four pillars of support, Education, Information, Advocacy, and Outreach, AUSA Family Programs provides a platform from which Army families can voice their issues and concerns.


AUSA Family Program's Military Family Fora 

The purpose of AUSA’s 2012 Military Family Fora was to bring to the forefront the issues surrounding reintegration and highlight the resilience of Army families. Through the presentations offered on October 22-24, 2012 various speakers and panelists were able to discuss matters and activities pertaining to behavioral health, wounded warrior family support, surviving family member support, and the education and resilience of our military children. In addition, we were honored to have Army senior leadership share their thoughts and ideas for the way forward to an in-house and virtual audience of close to 900 participants.  To view the 2012 Military Family Forums click:   

AUSA Military Family Forum I
Army Families: "Our Leaders Speak"

AUSA Military Family Forum II
Army Families: Behavioral Health:
"Challenges and Triumphs."

AUSA Military Family Forum III
Army Families: "Transitions and New Beginnings."

AUSA Military Family Forum IV
Army Families:

Military Children - Our Nation’s Future"

To view the Biographies of our AUSA Family Program Spearkers and Panelists, please click the following: Biographies

To veiw the Presenations of our AUSA Family Program Speakers and Panelists, please click the following: Presentations

Latest Family Program's Update       

Family Programs Update 15 October 2012

  • AUSA 2012 Annual Meeting
  • Biden, Odierno Announce Education Milestone for Military Kids
  • DOD Teacher Finds Crossroads in U.S. Education
  • Walter Reed Joins National Kidney Exchange Pool

Family Programs Update, 9 October 2012  

  • AUSA 2012 Annual Meeting
  • Dempsey Releases Concept to Build Joint Force 2020
  • Army Releases August Suicide Data
  • Families Can Support Suicide Standown


AUSA’s Family Programs Directorate offers numerous helpful publications for military families covering topics such as deployment, parenting, reintegration and financial planning. Publications and other materials are made available to military personnel and their family members as a courtesy by AUSA’s Family Programs Directorate. Please Note: We are unable to provide large quantities of materials to supply units.

For a quick view of our internet resources, please click here:RESOURCES

To request publications and other materials please click here: REQUEST