Novel Connect Case Study Packet 2008

The Baldrige Case Study Packet is composed of documents used for training Baldrige Examiners. It also can serve as an example of documents used in the Award evaluation process. Documents in the packet illustrate the format for an application, how an applicant might respond to Criteria requirements, and how the Examiner teams evaluate and score applications.

The central document in the packet is the Case Study—a fictional Baldrige Award application that is not intended to be a model but rather an instructional tool with realistic strengths and opportunities for improvement. The Case Study Scorebook is an example of the product developed by the Examiner teams that evaluate Award applications, and the Case Study Feedback Report is an example of the final document that is sent to applicants. The individual documents contained in the case study packet are described further in the Executive Summary.

In addition to their use by Examiners and applicants, the packet materials are used by state and local award programs across the United States and in the internal award programs of many organizations. Countries around the world also have used the documents in the creation of their Baldrige-based award programs.

The Novel Connect Case Study was written by Brian S. Lassiter (team leader), Richard Allen (back-up team leader), Ann Burns, David Jones, Geri Markley, Kevin McManus, and Rick Press.

Additional case studies can be found in the Baldrige Materials Archive.

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PDF Version- Executive Summary
PDF Version- Case Study
PDF Version- Scorebook
PDF Version- Feedback Report

2008 Criteria for Performance Excellence


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