KYF Compass - Local Meat and Poultry | USDA
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Local Meat and Poultry

From high-end restaurants to quick-service chains, from small local grocers and farmers' markets to large retail stores and corporate cafeterias, businesses are responding to consumer demand for meat, poultry and eggs produced by farmers and ranchers in their region. But connecting meat and poultry producers with these new market opportunities is not easy. Learn more about how USDA supports the development of strong regional supply chains for meat and poultry products in this section of the KYF Compass. Then see examples of USDA-supported local meat and poultry projects on the interactive map.

Read The full interactive section
Calling Local Meat Processors: USDA is Here to Help Local Meat Processing on the Move
Jennifer Hashley of New Entry Sustainable Farming Project in Lowell, Massachusetts and a colleague celebrate a mobile poultry processing facility built with support from USDA.
In 2010, USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service launched the Small Plant Help Desk to connect small and very small meat, poultry and egg processors with USDA specialists. In its first two years, the Desk responded to over 4,500 inquiries.