KYF Compass - Local Food Knowledge | USDA
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Local Food Knowledge

What does it mean to "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food?" In part, it means using research and data tools to understand more about agriculture. Learning about food and farming in our communities is one way to do that. Learn about USDA research and data tools to better understand local and regional food systems in this section of the KYF Compass. Then explore USDA-supported projects related to local food research and data by visiting the interactive map.

Read The full interactive section
A New Business Model Proves Lucrative for Grass-Based Dairies

The Lucrative Sweet Potato Takes Root
AMS's Farmers' Market Directory, which shows the locations of farmers' markets throughout the U.S. and which accept nutrition assistance benefits, received 2 million page views in 2011 alone - triple its 2010 traffic. Developers have created apps and other tools using the data.